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Project: Flintlock (WIP)


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I'm Nexus only since the beginning...jeah, i guess i uploaded it at a bad time. Wasn't long on the front page since other mods were uploaded and once you are gone from there you're pretty much dead :D Well, bad luck i guess. Edited by ghosu
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I see ... well shame but your mod, your choice...


Another question i have - is it possible to increase the smoke? Because at the moment i have to look twice to actually notice it. That or i have some other mod decreasing smoke for some reason.

Also in third person it seems like the smokecloud is generated 1 meter above the player. Is that intended?

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Had to find the middleway...good visible in 3rd = bad visible in 1st, perfect positioning in 1st = totally out of place in 3rd, much smoke in 3rd = less smoke in 1st, much smoke in 1st = a looot of smoke in 3rd.


If i further develop it - we will see, depends on the demand. If it goes on like that i don't think that i'll continue :D

Edited by ghosu
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I updated the file description with an instruction to add the bayonets to 1stperson for CUSTOM RACES IF (!) they are only visible in 3rdperson - can't do that myself for everyone since this data is stored in the custom race mod itself.

And the new main files use an updated esp since a few vanilla races (like Orc, Khajit) suffered invisible bayonets, now it works.


I've got 2 users in the comment section with female custom races that report that their body models changes to male when using my mod, i downloaded the same custom race mod and tried to reproduce this problem but it works as it should for me so maybe another mod causes this problem - pls report back if you come across the same problem (if possible with mod list so i can compare if more than these 2 got this problem).




Edited by ghosu
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I could need one or two person to test my bugfixed version 1.1


No more bayonet bugs in combination with custom races, no need to re-equip after weapon change or load/save and now they work for followers as well. The bayonets are no longer new armor slots but are directly attached to the rifle. So there are 8 versions now, 1x animated +3 bayonets and 1x rigid +3 bayonets. The bayonets now work for followers as well.


I added a chest to the camp's cellar (just open console and enter coc ghosu_base if you don't want to walk) which should contain each version twice with ammo, of course you can still forge it or add 'em using the console - whatever you prefer.


So, anyone in the mood to test?


thx &


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