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Project: Flintlock (WIP)


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Well, then I'll just vomit my ideas here. :biggrin:

Use them if you like them, ignore if you don't.


Blowtorch, ammo which would shoot "projectile" similar to player's fire breath. (small-to-mid wide, not long range, burning damage)


Fire Orb/Ball, Fire Bolt projectile, long range burning damage


Napalm, Projectile which causes Fire Wall on contact (Maybe with high damage? You can't shoot many of these things around before enemy is too close)


Lightning Orb? Destroys magicka reserves of enemy, no idea what could be used as projectile base, maybe recolored Fire Bolt?


Glue Blobby Blob of Doom from the Realm of Hermaeus Mora, Spider Spit which massively reduces movement speed.


Barrel full'o'glass, glassy shrapnel, sometimes you just shove anything you have inside the gun and hope for the best. Massive bleeding damage, really short range


Now that I think of it.. Isn't it pretty much possible for anyone to make "ammo" for your rifles? After all you just need to make new bolt types and so.

Sometimes I just feel myself so stupid when requesting stuff/ throwing out my ideas.

:facepalm: x 100

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Just needs to be a bolt projectile, another reason why i kept my ammo mod as standalone...you can use it for crossbows as well and load my rifles with normal bolts (though it might end up with clipping errors) - but 3rd person players won't care :D
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Ghosu just saw your 1.2 preview and i really like it i think that fire sound you used for the Blunderbuss fits really well. Will the Flintlock Rifle have muzzleflash aswell?


BTW your new Blunderbuss is really kickass, i just felt it awkward that the grip are so next to the gun stock, but besides that it's great. XD

Edited by WaterHazard
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Well, of course i can't create a 1:1 replica of a real one, the field of view / perspective in Skyrim feels really weird if you use an exact copy so i have to do adjustments.


Rifle with muzzleflash...well, since you can't add such an effect to the rifle itself this is how it works: The effect is connected to the ammo, so you can use it with the rifle as well ...even with a crossbow :D


But of course the effect is created to fit the Blunderbuss (shorter, more fire effects) - so it might feel a bit weird. Though i'll create ammo with effects for the rifle as well IF I FIND THE TIME, and i guess everything will be packed into an update for the ammo addon, easier to handle for me.

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Well i'm rarely happy with my stuff...depends on my mood but i always have in mind, how many people will b*tch around, they want this and that and change that blabla, no matter what you do - they always want more but don't understand that not everything is possible and that you have to make compromises because of the game's or my skill's limitations. And this is no common thing like a sword with common animations and no effects, the whole rifle idea is much more complex and experimental.


Whatever, i personally think that it is my best weapon so far. It's always a pain in the *ss when something looks awesome in the 3D Editor but looses a lot of quality in the game engine, but this time it looks quite the same, tuned the texture settings a bit and i'm quite happy with it - not perfect of course but i'm on the right way.



Edited by ghosu
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