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Moving adopted kids to Modded Homes?


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Has anyone come up with a method to get the dialogue to come up for the Hearthfire adopted children to move to a modded home or even to be adopted to that home in the first place?

Or failing that a way to force them to move there without the dialogue option? Not as good maybe but better than nothing.

I have tried by adding 2 childs beds and a chest using the same models as in the Breezehome HF add on (copied and renamed etc) and also tried by marking those items as BYOH adoption child owned but no joy.


Any help appreciated :)

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has anyone made any head way with this? im ok at building and models but complete crap at scripting,


just need to know how/where to add the ability to have my house mods added to the list of house's the children can live, sort of like the multi marriage mod where you can move your wife's to any house,



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