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Random crash


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Heya Spartan -

Well, Looking at your papyrus log, there's multiple creation club problems. There's scripts that can't fire off, and activators that can't be used.

Scripts can be a big problem with this game. Especially since once they are in your savegame, you can't get rid of them, and they'll just keep causing problems.

Just to hazard a guess, was some of these references from CCC content that you removed from your game?

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papyrus logs are redundant, they are not crash logs - they can also cause CTDs as well, just be enabling papyrus logging (although it is a low chance).


Papyrus logs are disabled by defualt for that very reason above. they are literally useless when it comes to crash detection, that is not their purpose, their purpose is strictly for Devs to test their scripts.


open all of your mods in xEdit, now click on the little plus sign next to each and every mod to expand the record sections, and check for red text/ red background


then report back here with all records that have red text/ red background including what mods have these and what the affected records are.


Red Text + Red Background = Mod Conflict - Very Likely causes for Crash to Desktop (CTDs), among many other possible issues.


their is however many possible causes for CTDs especially random CTDs, Deleted Navmeshes, Corrupted Meshes, Save Bloat, Broken Pre-vis, Precombines System (which will result it more demand on the hardware thus resulting in insufficiant resources), Insufficient Resources (as in Vram + System Ram), Hardware Based Issues, and ofcourse Deleting mods in an active playthrough, to name a few.


Scripting is much easier to detect being the cause, as it is saved game based, which means if its script related it will be much easier to detect, as increased loading times will be the most ovbious symptom of script related issues.


so if you loading times are rapid, and all script related content is running perfectaly fine, then you will know that it is not a scripted mod that is causing the CTDs.


also check the size of the Saved Games, if they are a resonable size, then its not a saved game based issue, with the above also in consideration.

Edited by G4M3W1NN3R
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