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Photoshop DDS export


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I have all the plugins, and I have tried every other way...leaving me with only one other option: export the DDS textures directly from photoshop and have them work. My previous attempt have been largely unsuccessful, and this whole problem started when I tried to use dds file that i had created in photoshop. Finding that they did not work...i just ignored them for a little while. Now i cannot ignore them, and moreover, i need thought this problem would be fixed by now, so i stupidly made them all seamless on photoshop. So basically i cannot use any of them. They are all in dds format, DXTC (or whatever it is) 1 RGB no alpha (because they dont need alpha) they are all 240 by 240 so that is not the issue either. I just need to make it so these textures will appear in nifskope...which they are not. Does anyone know wht i could be doing wrong? It's obv. something simple and stupic, but i am neglecting other things until i get an answer!!! I really need these textures for my Mod...a glacier town in the middle of the ocean... anyway...kind of hard to make an ice city without my ICE TEXTURES, so please... someone has to be doing this successfully and can tell me what i am doing wrong or what they do.


BTW. DDS converter does not work on VISTA so that is not an option either.

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