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Just bought SSE, I have a modding question...


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The majority of straight texture mods will work for SSE except landscape textures.


Meshes need to be converted.

Esps need to be resaved.

Landscape textures need an alpha channel.

Bsas need to be repacked.


But normal non-landscape textures are fine. For example, the majority of the Book of Silence armor and weapon textures can be used in SSE with no other action needed. (For BoS specifically, you must convert any meshes and resave any esps, but that only applies to a few sets.)

Edited by nightscrawl
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for small mods its pretty easy to convert them using the SE CK. I converted Skills Config and Perks UI to SSE for my own personal use as I refuse to play Skyrim without them :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Allow me to draw your attention to the following mod from Skyrim Legendary Edition (SLE): Save the Dark Brotherhood. It can be found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54244?tab=posts . In the posts section there are some pretty detailed notes on how it can be converted to SSE with comments added from other who have successfully made the conversion work. The instructions posted are pretty good actually and would give anyone interested a solid starting point on how such things would be done.


Also, if you do a youtube search for "how to convert skyrim mods to special edition" I'm sure you'll get plenty of hits. I know i did when I attempted a similar search.

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