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  On 12/3/2019 at 2:17 AM, Mktavish said:

The way I see it ... Sorry I kept posting this .... what the heck was I thinking ?


Hehe ... this feels like I went back in time . And told you not to listen to me about your mod ?


I'd say it's still worth it though .


It's worth what you can imagine and create from it. Create my friend, create!

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I met a 'back to reality' girl yesterday. I said. Because the Coronavirus is around I am thinking. Thinking about what I did, do, and am done with I said I am thinking to think of something to do.


She said. You could go fishing.


I said, "I only go fishing when I am hungry!"


I already got out, set up, and caught my breakfast.


The rest of my day is not for any greater deed, no owner's ship, no land can I plunder even down under, because it isn't good for my gut, or for foreplay, it is for PLAY! So I piled a bunch of it high to get that girl like men at work met to get that girls attention. She walked away, took all the machines with her. She preferred a robot, a ventriloquist dummy, and a man who never was; over me.


So I took the rocks I found while I was building the foundation of our new home. Took them to the 'back to reality' girl. And traded the rocks in for paper money.

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All the guys that used to stop to see if I had anything good they could get from me have gone back to their wives.


The last old timer braved the day while we sat out on the front lawn. Before he arrived I found at a side street vendor selling a beverage she said would cure all that ails me. After I got back to the house I put a few drops in my drink. Along came an old timer I knew who visited me quite often over the years. His excuse was he was Ducking out of the house to get away from his wife .


I sat down and poured a glass of the stuff I was drinking for him. I turned away and put the bottle back in the cooler. I turned around and took a sip out the cup in front of me. I asked him what he was up to. After a moment passed, he leaned back in the picnic chair, and started talking.


He told me about all those years he visited, he spent most of the time trying figure out how to rob me. After his tongue wagged on him he got up and departed.


I raised the cup in front of me. I saw it didn't have my initials inside on the bottom. I looked at the cup he had drank out of and there they were in it.


I picked up the bottle the gal said would cure all that ails me. I tried to read the label on the bottle. It was old and dirty so I had to get a magnifying glass to see the worn label. After I managed to view the remaining letters to form enough of the letters to make a word I saw what was in the bottle. I went to my room full of books. I looked it up in the ones with the kind of words they used for medicine.


I realized the stuff worked. And I haven't been visited by any of those guys who used to come around since. Especially the guy who drank from the cup I had prepared for myself.


I looked at the mobile phone and realized all the other guys had all quit coming by too. I discovered how my phone hinders their plans to hide out from their wives. You know guys like him. They all go to the watering hole where the person is selling stuff to drink. The grocery money goes down their tube.


HD Teleconferencing. They stopped coming by to sober up. Only now their wives can see them when they call to find out if their husband is visiting me instead of getting the groceries they sent them out to get.


How many of the 12 steps have you climbed today?

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I'm a fully mature male... Doesn't mean I am a fully mentally mature male.


It does mean that I have a full cognitive awareness of why people talk to each other. I have a lot of reasons that are pro not continuing to add to the mods I created as a neophyte to see if I could. Grumpy's instruction manual on how to Build your first house, for Morrowind was what launched my brain cells so I got focused.


His method of writing the manual gave me some memories which loosened a bunch of knotted up brain networks. I got a few chuckles from his way of stirring things up in his manual. I read the post at another forum about him dying. I haven't had a single brain function or nerve twitch since.


So far, the only thing that sparked me to even upload what I managed to build was a kind of R. I. P. honoring his skills in educating me. Youngster that he was at the time.


Maybe you get the feeling to mod, or do anything, and it's great when it happens. I'm feeling like I'm afloat on slow moving raft letting the river's flow do the work. No motivation to anything but steer the raft away from the shore so it just keeps moving along.


If I ever feel like getting that intellectually stimulating me to mod again, I'll be sure to let everyone know.


Emma has her own website and forum. I followed the forum where she and others had a real family life style.

She made a nice funeral announcement. She keeps it up still.



Grumpy R. I. P.

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