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The search for the Golden Horn.


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"I see my words have been by-passed, very well, It may be best to spare the men here the fate of fighting though there is little chance the creatures will not come this way." Nevex gets ready to leave and loosens his shortblade slightly.
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HeLLL turns to Nevex.


It seems as though the creatures are after us. And I will agree with you that it is a possibilty that the werewolves are scouts. But we survived one onslaught,; we might be able to spare a few innocent lives by leaving.

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"Though they are after us, I doubt they would ignore a battle establishment and continue to give chase. It is possible If they want to slay us that badly though. Very, well I pledged I would follow you and I shall." Nevex goes silent in both thought and slight frusteration at the thought of possible loss of life when they might be able to help.
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HeLLL looks towards Thomas


Good idea. Lets set up camp.


HeLLL turns to face Nevex


Nevex trust me. Now that I know what these beasties are like, forest or no forest fire shall fall from the heavens. And I have a strange feeling they are after us or something we have.

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Thomas ran ahead. 5 minutes later he returned. I have found a bandits cave. Dont worry I killed them all then disposed of their corpses. I shall lead you there.


The group arrived at the cave and went inside. Once everybody was in Thomas shut and locked the door. They have a small stove. I will fix dinner.

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HeLLL walked over to thomas.


Thank you very much. i new that you would come in handy.


HeLLL lets out a small chuckle and goes about looking for a spare bedroll to lie down on.


What are you cooking for supper thomas?

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Kain was examining a map intently. He glanced up at Hell, brow creased. "These wolves...." says he "are an odd formation indeed. Rogues uniting into an army? For what aim? And to what ends?" The Wizard turned his eyes down to look at the map again. "Now the question is, what -and how- do they know about us, that would make them come after us? What is it we possess? Or is it our intentions? Or a man himself?" Kain falls silent after his string of hypothesy, awaiting further discussion on the matter.
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