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The search for the Golden Horn.


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HeLLL nods in agreement with Thomas.


Alright we pack up and leave now. We don't have to much further to get to the nearest town. Lets go.


HeLLL picks himself up and starts to head off down the road. Carefully surviaing the trees for any other beasts that may appear.


<ooc: sorry guys had a massive crash and had to reinstall everthing. I am back and this story will continue. Once again my aplogies :) >

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As the party continues down the road on there way to Rhailn they are all aware that someone or something is watching them. Shadows seem to turn into beasts, trees feel as though they are watching your every step. The night air is starting to chill and every breath you take becomes painfull. Though the town only lies a few hours down the road; it seems as though it is an eternity away.


HeLLL turns to the group.


Is it me or is it starting to get a bit hard to breath now?

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HeLLL also picks up the pace but is halted in his steps. He looks up to see this burning light falling from the heavens.


Oh pooe. It looks like it is coming this way.


HeLLL casts a fireball spell and aims at the ground. H is blasted into the trees.

The burning light is descending even faster.....

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The burning light plumits into the ground and explodes sending hunks of molten stone flying everywhere. The noise from the impact is so loud that the sound waves themeselves blow over trees. There is a large crator. Inside the crator molten rock is bubling.


HeLLL levitates over to where Kain and thomas are.


That was close to close for comfort. Are you guys ok?


HeLLLs robe is on fire and he quicklly throughs it off and pulls another one from his bag.


I knew this would come in handy.

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