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The search for the Golden Horn.


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There in the middle of the crater was a handle. The handle was green and looked like it belonged to the top of a long sword. The handle had elvish engravings on it and glowed a mysterious white colour.


HeLLL reached down and picked up the handle. Hey Kain seen anything like this on your journeys?

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There is a slight sound of scrapped bark as Nevex slides down from atop a tall tree.

"Hmm...elvish, I have seen such during my long old travels..though they were cerimonial rather than actual battle weapons, though I suppose they could be used as such. This could be a sign of danger or help from one of the gods. Also I believe you asked Kain not me." With that Nevex picks a piece of bark off of his cloak with a twinkle of laughter in his eye.

"Quite the sound that made...we will be lucky not to be brought to blade."

He then looks up as if searching for a sign but sees no such thing.

"I took the time to travel back away from the path we are following to see If I could possibly lead the keen nosed hound-men from our trail. I ran across something quite suprising." With that he pauses for a few seconds as he sweeps the area with his eyes."I found absolutly nothing, no prints, no broken branchs, no sign of how the last attackers even reached the bandit caves. There was no sign of impending doom unlike what there should be...ah oh well. So I decided I might as well follow by tree to get a better view..there were no torches, no smoke, no light. I find this overly strange if I have not made myself clear enough. I now believe we may be the the pawn of a game, and possibly between gods. It is also possible we are being tested to see if we are worthy..it is near impossible to tell. Either way I say we find some way of...attaining that item...unless Kain happens to know something about it that would mean we should not."

Nevex makes a slight yawning sound drawing in breath. He focuses on the crater as he moves forward and stares towards it.


(OOC) I was almost out for a while as well, I got the MSBlast worm and wasn't even able to stay on my computer for more than 10 seconds at a time. Good to see you are back HeLLL and that we will be able to continue this adventure.

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I deal with the affairs of mortals. Once you all figure this out go to the next town. I will be waiting for you there. Thomas left the group and continued on the path.


5 hours later


Thomas arrived in town. First he went to the smith and got his bowie knife repaired. Then he went to the tavern and got a bite to eat. This seems like a decent town. he thought to himself. Hmmm. Maybe I shouldnt have left those kids. First they get attacked by wolves. Then a meteor falls on them. Oh well they seem to know what theyre doing.

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HeLLL turns towards Nevex.


It is quite interesting that you point out that there where no markings by the bandit cave even though we were attacked by hordes of werewolves. I have had a feeling that some Divine Intervention is shaping our journey. Everything just seemed wierd. Werewolves appearing in these parts is certainly unheard of. The attack on the village and now this. Maybe you are right. Maybe the gods do not want us to find the Horn while one does hence the handle of an elvish blade. I can not translate it for I have never seen anything like this before. I feel as though this is not the begeining.


HeLLL pears into the crater.


I wonder if the blade is stuck in something. I don't think my telekenisis powers would be strong enough to move it even if it was.

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Kain mutters under his breath "...swords falling from the sky.......I probably had to much to drink again....." He looks at the sword handle in Hell's hands.

"Nevex is right, these swords are symbolic, though they are not decor. This....this is no ordinary blade handle....indeed you wouldn't except a normal blade to come crashing out of the sky would you?" The Drow inspects the artifact further.

"I believe it may be a the handle of a holy blade crafted for one of the Nine Divines. These swords are made with supreme care and precision, for perfect balance and integrity. They are hardly ever used for battle any longer, and this is what puzzles me. This should be a relic guarded in the citadel of the God it was sacrificed to. Not flying to the earth in a ball of molten rock..."

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"Indeed Kain, it is very strange that it appeared this way. It only represents a sign to me, aid from some Divine or Daedra. I suggest we remove it from the crater, though how is much more the question." Nevex takes a brief look around tring to scale out the distance between the edge and the handle.

"We could always try a little verbal command...I have heard of such being enchanted into the make of the weapon. Now what should we say...but first we must take into consideration that the item may bind itself to the one who carries it first. I personally wouldn't mind a new weapon...and at such a high quality as well, but it should be HeLLL's honor to do as such and wield it unless he finds one of us more suitable for it, I trust his judgement."

Nevex gives a nod in HeLLL's direction then turns to Kain to see if there is agreement.

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Thomas exited the tavern and went into the trader. Hello sir may I help you. eagerly blurted out the clerk. Yes I will take 5 torches, 1 cantene, 2 folded cloths, 1 medium sized pack, 2 journeymans lockpicks and probes. replied Thomas

The clerk helped gather all the supplies then Thomas payed him and left.

Thomas hung the pack with all the supplies in it over his shoulder and started on the trail.

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