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The search for the Golden Horn.


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HeLLL turns around to the crowd that had kept a vigile over night.


Friends It is time. We shall leave for Dalsa Baleth tonight. These brave people have offered there services and they should be praised for doing so.

Kain, The_Reaper, Garrot, Shadow, Nevex, Elucidator and _Thomas. We shall leave Beonith and travel through the Great Forest Nahn untill we get to the wastelands of Alctung where somewhere in there lies Dalsa Baleth. That is where the Horn lies.


The crowd cheer and each party member is giving a small gift relating to their class. These gifts are only knowen to the person to whom they where givin to.


HeLLL turns his attention to Thomas.


Am I right to make the assumption you will join us? Or are you here for something else?

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The_reaper woke naked in the forest, beside him layed the victim, it was difficult to identify its sex as it had been gawed upon, he got put on his simple armor of white bear fur and the robe he wore the day before.He went back to town to get some supplies and join the others.

*He didn´t feel sorry for the victims until the next morning, after the bloddlust had passed. Once he tried not to feed, but the bloodlust became so strong that he lost control going inside a house and killing an entire family . He had nightmares about that every night.*

He changed the string on his bonemold bow, bought a quiver of fire arrows, sharpened his Northen Fury, a small axe but with a powerful sting.

He had to speak to the one called HeLLL, so he went to the place he had seen him the other day.

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Kain strode alongside the group competantly, sending arrogant glares to whatever commoners looked upon him. "We are on a quest to find the Golden horn so that we can use it powers to help those in need in Morrowind." Hell had said. Kain chuckled. Oh yes helping.....that's exactly it..... he thought to himself, a malicious smile spreading uncontrollably across his face. He had to stifle his laughter. The Wizard cleared his throat. Suddenly he noticed that...that girl pushing through the crowd towards him. Oh Almsivi here we go again.... He thought angrilly. He had spent his last few days trying his best to avoid her, lest he meet with another visit from that rolling pin...
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