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ENBs should not be allowed on the front page


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You people have really offended me and I think you are rather inconsiderate of other peoples feelings and hard work, the first case of this I have come across in the Nexus community.


I certainly will not be renewing my premium membership (yes many ENB tweakers are premium members and supporters of this community) which expired today if my work is going to be relegated in such a way.


First let me make my position clear: I do not like ENB, or rather I should say that I have tried several and have not been impressed in the least with any of them. Having said that, I agree with your assessment entirely. It *would be* (that is important) unfair to block ENB, or any other specific type of mod from displaying on the front page. If it were to happen, which type would be next? The 'candidates' would be legion. All that aside, I fail to see why you are getting so bent out of shape in this. Look at the title of this forum. It is a feedback and suggestion forum. This thread was just that... a suggestion from an individual -- everybody is entitled to their own opinion. To say you are offended by a suggestion and as a result refuse to renew your premium status is... baffling. When you release *anything* into the public domain, you are going to get opposition which, for your own sanity, you need to look at objectively, and (a great deal of the time) with a large pinch of salt.


Some of the preceding posts were phrased rather inconsiderately, although probably unintentionally, unlike yours which is completely rational and totally civil expression of opinion. I didn't say I refuse to renew my premium status based on what they had said, but on *if* the staff had also acted in the same way (although honestly that would have been a bit baffling). But of course they didn't :thumbsup:

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You see some text files and think adjusting some numbers is all there is to it. You don't like what EnBs do to the game and without trying them you say they all look more or less alike. You have no interest in EnBs at all and a lot of you don't understand the first thing about EnBs, so you put them down to being a waste of time and not deserving of being on the Nexus. I'm almost 40 years old and it amazes me that I can still be surprised at how disrespectful some people can be, while at the same time know so little about what they're putting down.


I'm not a tweaker, but I'm an EnB user and tester. Actually I'm an EnB LOVER...and I'm not the only one. I love how they enhance my game. I love the small or big nuances different ones brings to colours, shadows, effects, sharpness etc. I can't imagine my game without an EnB. BUT I understand that not everybody is like me. What a world would that be if we were all alike...quite boring...and I bet we wouldn't have so many different mods to choose from either. But aren't us EnB lovers entitled to our share too?


Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but this thread isn't about that. This is pure dis-respectfulness and serves no point other than to irritate a lot of people that understand, tweak and love using EnBs. People that find joy in them and that actually know how much work lies behind a lot of them.


I have to sift through a lot of mods with bugs (some so bad they could really mess up your game), that are plainly poorly made, stolen from others etc. to get to the good ones. It's just the way it is. Some are good and some are bad...same with EnBs. But I actually wouldn't have it any other way, because the alternative is a site where someone decides for us what's put here....we'd miss out on a lot of great stuff.


Just pass whatever you don't like. That's what the rest of us do.






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I didn't say I refuse to renew my premium status based on what they had said, but on *if* the staff had also acted in the same way (although honestly that would have been a bit baffling). But of course they didn't :thumbsup:


Yes, having read it a second time, I can see that is what you meant. Mea culpa.

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The key though is what WoodManGamer said in one of his posts - there are some badly made and rushed ones out there. Now the problem is that with so many ENB mods about, people, many new to modding, think that they are a "must have" and whack them in without a thought. Now I am not new to modding and I have a good idea how ENB's are made and what they are intended to do - enhance your visuals - and I run what a friend has described as a "powertrain" that could most likely handle an ENB without breaking a sweat or losing FPS. But I have seen people have a lot of trouble with them and am constantly concerned about "What happens if I don't like ENB A and want to either totally remove it or exchange it with another?" That's what I really meant when I said that I am not sure what they do to your game, I meant on a deeper level. I downloaded a race mod the other day and there was even an ENB lurking in there, wth.....


What might be useful is if ENB did have their own section with an "introduction to ENB" prepared by someone who is an expert on the subject.

Also there is always the content filter.

A combo of this could actually get more exposure for ENB's and get people better informed and using them properly.


I just like to be sure what I am putting into my system, having to stare down the barrel of a hardware bill in excess of GB£600 recently, I am not keen to blow it sky high again.

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@WoodManGamer's first post: Well said :thumbsup:


It is annoying when people complain at the mere presence of mods they don't like, I have seen a lot more visually offensive mods in my time here but I have the common courtesy to respect the artistic integrity of the author (as long as the content doesn't breach the rules).


I use the antifreeze patch enb to fix missing web and fx bugs due to my ATI card so I can't use other ones built for nvidia, when I try them the game slows to a crawl but on the rare occasions I try them for screenshots they really give an interesting aesthetic, and any opinions about blurry DOF is a great example of ignorance and I doubt anyone who post these comments have even tried them properly - they aren't all DOF heavy guys.

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In a community where we share our ideas and work, this attitude of saying "ENBs should not be allowed in Hot Files" is against the very idea of the goal, isn't it? I do not have a powerful machine, yet I enjoy ENBs (and many of the ENB tweakers often come to me for help in regards to my love for their work).


I have several mods installed that do not fit my taste, yet I commend the work regardless. There's no such thing as "well-done" or "high-quality" or"rushed", that is a suggestive thinking and not a fact. I'm not a huge person for ENBs (only use them for screenshots, not gameplay), but one must realize that work is work, and you must experience the tweaking to say whether or not it's actually *just a variation* of the original mod.


As Dark0ne said, it's a popularity contest, and if a great number of people like it, and some don't..... well it shows that there are people who would disagree with you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but let us understand what the communtiy allows and doesn't allow. Hot Files allows for that, therefore it's a matter of respect for that modder's work to be put there. You do know that over half of the texture mods out there use diffuse and specular maps that are inherently inspired and studied from Bethesda's HD files, right? Skyrim HD's last update was exactly that (and hence, by your logic, it should've not been on Hot Files or in Top Files either, since it's a higher order variation of the *original* files).

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I think we're beating the poor op over the head with this...

I can see his - her? - point, to the extent that it's hard sorting through them. Thing is, I'm pretty sure - guessing here - that they didn't mean the post in a negative way, but rather something they thought would honestly be a benefit. Someone give hugs now.

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