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trying to find a list of skse mods...


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as always, the great devs have "updated" the game and thus, we need to update our stuff... thing is, i don't know what mods are skse mods, there a list?



Just look in Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\ folder


Also, it's a good idea to TRACK the SKSE mods you use, so you'll be notified when the mod is updated



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i'm having slight trouble figuring what these .dll's are


and i don't know if these are just outdated or if i even need to update them...

Scaleform translation Plus Plus

hook share

Ultimate combat

Skyrim Skill Uncapper

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FISS is the File Saving System

HDTFramework and HDT Physics is for Bouncing Boobs stuff etc..

I'm assuming CCExtender has something to do with Creation Club

I made a txt file with the list of the SKSE mods I use, so I can update them easily.
Plus, as I said before, I click on TRACK in order to get notifications when they update after Bethesda updates.

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