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Bug Report: Shift-click selection on the siloed Status list selects as if from the unsiloed list.


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Vortex 1.4.4


Bug Report: Shift-Selection in the Mods list with the list table Grouped by Attribute (IE, with Enabled/Disabled/Uninstalled as their own headed lists) selects mods as if the full list were not grouped!




Expected Result: Shift-clicking a selection of files selects only those files, from the view that's being seen.

Actual Result: Shift-Clicking a selection of files selects files from the full, uncategorized list starting and ending with the files clicked, including files which have been shuffled onto other lists.


Steps to reproduce:


0: Have your mods list not grouped! (IE: with everything all in one table.)

1: Populate your Mods list with a lot of mods.

1a: Do not change sorting method.

2: Without changing sorting method, enable a few of these mods, such that you have a few mods enabled and a few disabled, interleaved together on the list.

2Example: In this screenshot, I have enabled Tamriel Reload HD SMIM Mountain Patches

3: Group the table by Attributes

4: Shift-Select group-by-attributed files such that if the list were not sorted, the files which have been moved out of this attribute category would be selected.

4Example: In this screenshot at the bottom-right, you can see that FOUR items are selected instead of the three that I shift-selected.

5: Click the REMOVE button at the bottom-left to see just what Vortex is doing. (This step is optional; just for absolute clarification.)

5Example: Just to fully ram home what's going on, this example shows that Vortex is giving me a big list of things it's about to remove.




Also, might I suggest raising the file attach limit here, by like, a lot? An order of magnitude at least? I tried to attach png files and could only attach one small screenshot of my Vortex menu. I had to torture them into 33% fidelity jpgs to fit even three of them. 250Kb is just insufficient.

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