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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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Recent changes: The changes to the download system are bad. If you're not using a premium account, as of today it forces you to look at an advert for the premium option after hitting Download. AFTER you have already certainly seen the notification that your download speed is capped.


This is obnoxious and isn't likely to make you gain any users; it's just punishing people and promising to remove some of the punishment if you cough up money. Incidentally the graphic design of that screen, taken by itself, implies that you are to pay individually for every premium download and get that annoying screen that makes you pick every. time. Highly rude, knock it off.


Also, the automatic downloads thing sounds like a Bad Idea. It's mods. Automatic downloads of mod updates sound great until someone uploads a version with 0 backwards compatibilty for the public beta and you're still running the latest stable release. Or any other situation where auto-download will break your game. There was a Stardew mod for a while where you had to use the second-newest version because the newest broke on the stable releases of the game while the second-newest ran perfectly; automatic downloads, more like instant crashbugs. There's mods where there's two or three versions on the same mods page and they all have different versioning. Bad enough getting constant modloader update notifications; worse having it download the file-replacer that's two years old and will crash your game because it had a higher version number than the other version of the mod.


Or, for that matter: optional downloads. You're playing with the lighter version of some mod, it updates, you have premium, it downloads all versions and they clash with each other or cause major annoying terrain changes and you have to manually uninstall something you never would have downloaded, like IF2R from SVE if you use any other farm map at all. (It still breaks forage totally if you have IF2R installed and aren't using it.)


And then there's mods with complicated install instructions.


Even if it only downloads to your downloads folder, not trying to put the mods in the mods folders, it's still taking away your control over your downloads and wasting data and your time making you delete stuff you don't want and would not have voluntarily downloaded, like optional files you don't want and updates for mods you no longer use.


Seriously, nexus staff, why would you think that automatic downloads are anything but a very firm reason you should never use premium? That's not a selling point, that's an anti-selling-point! It's a reason to not pay! It's punishing users for using premium, while you also punish them for not using premium!



As for ads...


It's not safe to go on the internet without an adblocker anymore. Too many ads have malware or use absurd amounts of memory or CPU power or autoplay video or sound or get in the way. I've seen people talking about ads that mine cryptocurrency with the viewer's computer. Adblockers are pretty much alongside firewalls and antiviruses these days. I started using an adblocker permanently except on specific whitelisted sites that are either on a heavily curated "known safe" list or have strong ad curation programs that are shown to the user, mentioned somewhere hard to miss, and allow user participation to blacklist and permenently remove specific ads from the site for everyone.


So far that's about three sites.


Meanwhile sites that try to force you to turn off adblocker are generally the ones that are most likely to run actively damaging ads. The reason I started using adblockers was because a news site that did that ran an ad that completely prevented the news page from finishing loading and caused unrelated, adless, wikipedia tabs to crash. I cannot remember if my antivirus caught anything. I do know that if I ever end up turning my adblocker off and even accidentally going to or refreshing a site that isn't in my whitelist, I immediately run a full virus scan. It's already caught one once, from a newspaper.

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every couple of months i'll usually go on a mod downloading/updating spree and almost every single time i've done so, like clockwork, the nexus has somehow actually gotten worse. it's almost kind of impressive honestly, good work boys


was able to mostly tolerate the obnoxious dl speed limit and the newer, lamer looking layout designed for phones (btw i have absolutely no idea who's downloading + installing skyrim mods on... android), but this is the most overtly user hostile change i think ive ever seen on the nexus. by itself it isnt a huge deal but if you dont already have a large collection of mods lying around and youre downloading dozens, maybe hundreds of them, having to click through an extra page and wait another 5 seconds... gee that kinda adds up over time. and apparently some premium users are affected by this too.. if youre in this thread mocking the poor proles who dont want to buy a nexus subscription maybe you should consider that?


oh my god, hosting things on the internet is expensive! maybe you dudes should reconsider hosting mods for almost 1000 games when most people coming to the nexus are downloading mods for bethesda engine games, which you have a total monopoly over? maybe you should consider doing literally anything other than slowly turning your site into an ad ridden trash heap and giving the finger to most of your userbase? im perfectly aware that the nexus will continue doing whatever they please and that the entire bethesda modding community's just going to keep eating this up, but that wont stop me from screeching on the internet. jesus christ

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I had noticed the banner about capped download speeds for a while now and could understand that, since it wasn't hindering the experience in any way, but the second download page really seems an unnecessary push at getting you to pay for premium.


It is not that I am ungrateful for the site and the costs involved in hosting it, but I personally only play and use mods for Fallout 3 and New Vegas, don't use ad block (which I suppose is irrelevant since I am a supporter) and have never had any issues with the download cap, so have never had the need for the uncapped download speeds offered with premium.


I just feel this change will definitely deter anyone who has not bought premium membership from doing so, and is also a constant dig at long time users who just can't justify paying for premium since they don't use the site all that often, and now being deliberately inconvenienced with no warning for not doing so.

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I wouldn't care if the nag was a one-time thing or if you put an option in the user preferences to turn off the nag and select "Slow Download" by default. Putting a nag in front of every download is just plain obnoxious and it's obvious you are doing it to annoy users into paying you. Unfortunately for you, most of those users you are desperately trying to annoy into giving you money, aren't going to give you money. I've been using free download sites for years now that use this exact same strategy. No matter how annoying you make this for me, I am not going to give you any money. Trying to milk free users is like trying to squeeze blood from a rock.


You want my advice? You gave too much to us free users and now you can't take it away without pissing us off. You're backed into a corner and think the only way to solve the problem is more premium users. Ha, well, good luck with that. Just bite the bullet and piss us off. We can take it. Give us a filesize quota. Oh, Mr. Free User, you've download more than 500MB today? See you tommorrow! Oh, Mr. Free User, you downloaded a 2GB file? See you in 4 days! If I were you, I'd start a Nexus bittorrent tracker; let the mod authors and free users seed the mods for you in exchange for "seed points" we can use to buy site perks; private trackers do this all the time. I'd be more than happy to seed some of my favorite mods. Hell, drop free tier back down to 1MB/s or even lower while you're at it. It doesn't matter for a small file, but if free users are downloading a huge texture pack and have a choice between a slow Nexus download or a torrent, they'll pick the torrent; all you need to do is make sure the meta file is in the torrent and remind users to select the mod manager's download folder as the destination, everything should work just fine. Maybe you should also reduce the allowed filesizes and number of screenshots for non-premium mod authors? That kind of thing really adds up. I resave stuff as .jpg to be more conscientious to the people browsing my mods, but not everybody is so nice.

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