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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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Given that speed caps have been in place since at least 2007, and the speed cap was raised to 2 MB/s in October last year, the banners and download page appear to be doing their job. The people who paid zero attention to Nexus news are now being informed about something that didn't concern them and consequently that had no impact on them for YEARS, and now they're angry.


If you're a free user with an ad blocker, you're getting the same download speed you've been getting since 2007.


If you're a free user without an ad blocker, or a Supporter, you're getting 2 MB/s, an increase of 1 MB/s.


Nothing has really changed except you now know what you didn't know before.

Edited by fireundubh
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As a casual mod author the Nexus site owners need to realize that without the goodwill of "freemium" users uploading and downloading mods their website wouldn't have any traffic at all, lest they continue down this path I imagine an alternative may crop up and cause a migration of mod authors and their mods with them. It's no real secret they have a bit of a monopoly on the mod authoring side that not even Valves Steam Workshop could compete with, but larger sites have risen and fallen before from community outrage.

Edited by 4killmaster
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As a casual mod author the Nexus site owners need to realize that without the goodwill of "freemium" users uploading and downloading mods their website wouldn't have any traffic at all, lest they continue down this path I imagine an alternative may crop up and cause a migration of mod authors and their mods with them. It's no real secret they have a bit of a monopoly on the mod authoring side that not even Valves Steam Workshop could compete with, but larger sites have risen and fallen before from community outrage.



So, without non-paying members, traffic would halt to a standstill?

Tell that to the paying members, the'll be shocked to know this.


"Larger sites have risen and fallen before from community outrage"


They've also fallen from nobody paying for memberships, and they end up going belly up because they can't afford to keep providing the "Freemium" users with a free service, that those users expect and take advantage of.

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I hope you come up with a better solution to whatever you wanted to achieve with this "slow/fast download <curseword>" you chose. I am not a fan of it at all. Make it a preference you only have to click on one time, whatever.

Thank you and have a nice day


Edit: The download with manager shortcut doesn't even feel like a shortcut anymore since you get redirected to the thing mentioned above

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Reading this thread. It would seem those who defend this are defending the download speed cap. which isn't the problem nor has it been. its the it went from click manual or modloader download. and it would download, at either the limited speed or the uncapped speed. now its click manual or modloader downloader. wait for new page to load. click either slow or premium dodwnload. wait 5 seconds + whatever time it takes to load the 5 sec countdown. and Then it downloads or otherwise click another link that starts the download.
- I could be mistaken, but that seems to be the problem to me

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Reading this thread. It would seem those who defend this are defending the download speed cap. which isn't the problem nor has it been. its the it went from click manual or modloader download. and it would download, at either the limited speed or the uncapped speed. now its click manual or modloader downloader. wait for new page to load. click either slow or premium dodwnload. wait 5 seconds + whatever time it takes to load the 5 sec countdown. and Then it downloads or otherwise click another link that starts the download.

- I could be mistaken, but that seems to be the problem to me

You are 100% correct. I understand the need they have to paywall some features. What I don't understand is why they are going out of their way to annoy those of us who choose not to pay up. Sure, let us know it's an option... but not constantly.

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It is my understanding that supporters get this ad.

From the sales page of Supporter membership.



Supporter membership gives you an ad-free experience on all Nexus sites, as well as increased Private message capacity and access to the Supporter's image share section.

I do hope that this is a mistake, that will be quickly rectified, rather than a wilful refusal to provide the paid for ad-free experience.

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I bought premium in 2013, mostly to support the site and because I understand hosting and bandwidth and staff aren't things that come for free. The no-ads and no-cap are nice, though. That's about 2 cents a day and falling every day I stay here and download more awesome mods. As far as value for money goes, that's a pretty sweet deal.


I'm not saying y'all should do the same, some people have more money, some have less - but think long-term (how long are you going to be here, and how many gigabytes of mods have you and are you going to download), and decide rationally; and if you decide against, well, you're probably going to have to get used to some limitations. A nag screen. Waits. Maybe a limit of some sort. The sad truth is none of this is free (as in beer).

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Yesterday, when I first experienced this new premium screen I thought to myself: "Now what do we have here? This sure feels like a prickly pear in the patoot." After looking for answers I landed here. After my initial post, I engaged in introspective warfare, on and off, throughout most of the day. What got me to go premium were these simple facts:


1) There are human beings on the other end of this service spending a large amount of time and effort to host and expand this site. People need money to survive, businesses need money to exist let alone expand, and their efforts to provide this service should be supported by those members that can afford the few bucks to help keep them going.


2) I've been using this site for years, and it's given me access to countless hours of entertainment. It's turned one time game purchases into years of replayable fun. All this, and I haven't thrown the Nexus staff anything more than a thanks... and even that took too long. I've thanked modders and users, but not the Nexus staff; how orcish of me. So, to me, this one time purchase was a simple way for my cheap a*s to say thank you, and use more than just words to state it - Gruumsh knows they deserve it.


3) Premium membership is ridiculously cheap. For the price of a game - one game at today's prices - you get a Lifetime membership with a capital L. Ads go bye bye, as does the - sorry Nexus but this is true - redonkulous premium screen.


Yes, I'll agree that their implementation of a subscription reminder is a bit obnoxious, downright tacky really, but that's something they can work on, and doesn't change the reality of the above stated facts. For me, those 3 facts were enough for me to upon up my wallet, and I don't regret doing so. I do regret that it took me this long to show more support for this site. Has my experience on this site changed much? Well, no... and yes. I've been able to disable ad-blocking the site (lol) and still receive no ads (yah). I no longer see the annoying screen reminder for premium membership, I can download mods much faster and more efficiently, and a lewdly dressed maiden appears about every 3 hours with a frothy mug of beer for me (I lie about the a maiden - I get my own beer like a civilized orc should).


Let's not forget the fact that this site and service are still free for those who need it to be as is the artwork available here. A free service - with ads yes, and annoying extra reminders, sure - but, a free service, that is not free to produce. If you use this site, and enjoy what it provides, next time you're about ready to buy a new AAA title - which is bound to be misrepresented, broken, full of extra purchases, need about a years worth of patches to make it fun, or just suck - instead, swing by here and show your support for folk that actually provide access to endless extra content - and fixes for those broken AAA titles - enough content that if you like a game, you can truly make it YOUR game.

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It seem that the 5 seconds timer had been removed which is a good thing. Now it would be nice if we didn't had to load an additional webpage, maybe have the list of all the features Premium have be included into the "Downloads for non-premium members are capped at 2MB/s" banner or into the pop-up that tell the dependency i'm pretty sure most peoples wouldn't mind having to scroll a little more and it would be more palatable...

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