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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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Honestly...you want more money?


Do it like AO3, with donation drives and incentives. That's a user-friendly way to get funding and AO3 tends to meet its 100k+ goal in like two days so it's clearly effective.


This thing is user-hostile. It actively makes users deal with garbage extra screens and offers a "premium" membership that, frankly, looks like an overall step DOWN.



Everyone defending it seems to be talking about how it's cheap (true, but the that's not the point, the point is the bad site design, also there are better ways to fundraise) or about how the download speed cap is not new (also not the point, the point is the user-hostile site design change).



Nobody defending it is defending the unnecessary and rude extra pages, the lack of any reason to believe it's safe to turn off your adblocker, the trying to punish users into paying Nexus money, the bad premium features, the bad graphics design, the pointless 5-second wait time that was there for a while, or the fact that at least some supporters have still been seeing ads and therefore not getting what they paid for.

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Honestly...you want more money?


Do it like AO3, with donation drives and incentives. That's a user-friendly way to get funding and AO3 tends to meet its 100k+ goal in like two days so it's clearly effective.


This thing is user-hostile. It actively makes users deal with garbage extra screens and offers a "premium" membership that, frankly, looks like an overall step DOWN.



Everyone defending it seems to be talking about how it's cheap (true, but the that's not the point, the point is the bad site design, also there are better ways to fundraise) or about how the download speed cap is not new (also not the point, the point is the user-hostile site design change).



Nobody defending it is defending the unnecessary and rude extra pages, the lack of any reason to believe it's safe to turn off your adblocker, the trying to punish users into paying Nexus money, the bad premium features, the bad graphics design, the pointless 5-second wait time that was there for a while, or the fact that at least some supporters have still been seeing ads and therefore not getting what they paid for.



I'm sure they're sorry for allowing you to sponge their bandwidth and content for free while you do nothing but complain because you have to click an extra button rather then just paying like other people do.

That's the price for using things for free, is a little inconvenience.

The amount of entitlement you possess is astounding.


It's amazing how triggered people can get for having to do a little extra something for contributing absolutely nothing.

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Do you really need money to pay for your servers and stuff? Why not try to optimize:

- Firefox says a loaded site is at least 8 MB of traffic and 36 MB in memory; lots of images I don't even care to see. Why not an option to disable the screenshot block? Would be better for slower connections as well. (I know there is a cache, still a lot when I am mostly interested in text: names, descriptions and timestamps)

- Do not reload data if I switch between tabs in a mod, i mean it is very unlikely that something important changed in those 10 seconds, apart from comments.


Other ideas:

- There is a page detailing your spending, but not the actual amounts. Would be nice to see how much you really need and get

- Wikipedia like donation drive, with goals for hosting, donations points and more

- Better ads so we can actually use the site without an ad-blocker. I tested with Edge just now and it removed some, that says something about the quality.


Closing Words: Seems like we need mods to make Nexusmods a better website.

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You know, some of the people complaining here about free stuff being capped and all sound like AO3 users who get annoyed at the donation banners that go up periodically there.


Does this nag screen, for lack of better phrase, sound annoying? Yep. Supporters shouldn't have to see it - they've donated SOMETHING.

I paid for lifetime Premium because I've modded every game I've ever played extensively. I figured it was worth the cost.

But you get what you pay for, folks.

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I couldn't tell if that was sarcasm or not. but you missed this part of LucidLday's reply. Also should be mentioned that the data limit isn't really an issue


When am I not being sarcastic, hmm? :tongue:


I didn't miss any part of LucidLday's reply. If your solution to all these "problems" is to compound your problem set with another problem and which doesn't actually solve any of what you see as problems, it's not a good solution. Protesting with an ad blocker as a free user doesn't impact anyone except yourself. If anything, you're just reinforcing the Nexus' need to push Premium harder.



I think the phrase you're looking for is: cutting your nose off to spite your face.


*Redacted I'm out of line*


if Nexus is hurting for money they should have a monthly fund quota banner like many other sites that operate off donations do to let users who are feeling generous help out.

Yep... cause those never annoy anyone either.


It may just be there is no right way to go about bringing premium membership to everyone's attention. I'm sure they have their reasons for doing it the way they did it, even though it may have annoyed a few of us. Maybe membership is on the decline, and as Reneer stated earlier, maybe it had something to do with some dinks scraping mods. Put those two things together and *poof* we have an annoying extra step for FREE downloads.



Is there a way to donate directly to the site to support its operation?


You can always donate directly to mod authors and cut out the middlemen.



Very true... but your timing here is little suspect, :D . I hope their is no offense there, just couldn't help but to say something :devil: .


Honestly...you want more money?


Do it like AO3, with donation drives and incentives. That's a user-friendly way to get funding and AO3 tends to meet its 100k+ goal in like two days so it's clearly effective.


This thing is user-hostile. It actively makes users deal with garbage extra screens and offers a "premium" membership that, frankly, looks like an overall step DOWN.



Everyone defending it seems to be talking about how it's cheap (true, but the that's not the point, the point is the bad site design, also there are better ways to fundraise) or about how the download speed cap is not new (also not the point, the point is the user-hostile site design change).



Nobody defending it is defending the unnecessary and rude extra pages, the lack of any reason to believe it's safe to turn off your adblocker, the trying to punish users into paying Nexus money, the bad premium features, the bad graphics design, the pointless 5-second wait time that was there for a while, or the fact that at least some supporters have still been seeing ads and therefore not getting what they paid for.


It always amazes me when people use words like hostile to describe something that is simply irritating. Although, I don't disagree that the method they used is trashy, like good garbage, it can be refined... not sure where I'm going there... I think you get it, though. I can assure you, Premium is not a step down though. It's not a giant leap up, but it's more than fairly priced. It's worth it if you want to support this site and what it freely gives you access to. They have not made it mandatory - the site and what it offers is still free to use - it's just a tad more annoying for a few people to use for free at the moment - maybe forever - but it's still a service provided for FREE. Who knows, maybe they'll figure out a better way to advertise premium and protect the site at the same time. I bet if they do, they'll implement it... and then another dozen to a hundred people will come out of the woodwork to throw turds at them for that too.


Be annoyed if you want to - but ask yourself if it's worth it to let this ruin your day, or your support for this site. If it doesn't ruin your day, or your support, then scrap that copy of "Call of Dookie 35" (I know that's not a real game - literally - just replace with any other garbage AAA new release there) you were gonna splurge on as a Christmas gift to yourself and show a little support. Or don't, and continue to let this nonsense bother you.

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Taking away a feature to become a premium experience is scummy. I don't mind if that is the way to begin with.

what feature was taken away?

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I see that the people who are paying for premium are chewing the people who don't pay out. First of all, GOOD FOR YOU. YOU HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO THROW AROUND. But guess what? Not everyone can do that. Not every one has money to spare. Odds are most of the people (like my self), already have a subscription the have that they're already paying for and can't afford to be paying another one as well.


Not ALL of us have the cash to throw at websites to support them. Even if we want to, its not possible. Or maybe people don't want to pay for something that was free already. Trying to make people pay premium is stupid as all hell, and completely inconsiderate to the users who can't spare the money to pay for premium. Not everyone has enough to be able to pay for another monthly or yearly thing just so we can update the mods we use to play our games.


I'm sorry, but pushing premium like this is NOT how you get people to pay for the membership. By adding more steps for users to download something or making the download slower is down right stupid.

Edited by ShadowOnTheFullMoon
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I couldn't tell if that was sarcasm or not. but you missed this part of LucidLday's reply. Also should be mentioned that the data limit isn't really an issue


When am I not being sarcastic, hmm? :tongue:


I didn't miss any part of LucidLday's reply. If your solution to all these "problems" is to compound your problem set with another problem and which doesn't actually solve any of what you see as problems, it's not a good solution. Protesting with an ad blocker as a free user doesn't impact anyone except yourself. If anything, you're just reinforcing the Nexus' need to push Premium harder.


As you've been told already - the 1mb slow-down from having adblock on is a non-factor. I didn't leave my adblock off for this website because I wanted faster downloads. I left it off because I wanted to help in whatever small way I could until I sort my general life issues out.


You say that me turning adblock on now, in response to this rather scummy new cashgrab move "doesn't impact anyone except yourself", but I think you know that's wrong. They were getting ad revenue from me (and many others like me) before, and now they're getting none. I feel bad about that, I truly do.


But like I said, i'm not dealing with this horrible new system AND ads.

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