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Most Dragon Age Origins mods not showing up


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Hey, sorry for the dumb question, but I've got a problem with Vortex and Dragon Age Origins. The majority of the mods I've downloaded and installed just don't show up or work in the game. Some mods work, others don't, and when I uninstalled them all and then reinstalled them... Boom, now even more of then don't show up. I uninstalled Vortex, reinstalled all the mods, even uninstalled DA:O, and still no fix. It is really disheartening because some of the mods I grabbed are awesome, and I'm pretty sad that I can't get them to work.
That being said, I ALSO tried using the NMM, and that didn't work either. Could it be that I'm using the Origin (I know, I know, EA is evil, but I went to play Dungeon Keeper for the first time in five years and found that ALL DRAGON AGE GAMES + ALL DLC HAD BEEN ADDED TO MY ACCOUNT FOR FREE) version? Any help would be adored.

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Thanks for replying, Picky. No, there is no pattern between them, and you can tell by checking the 'downloadable content' menu in game that shows all active DLC and mods. I know I'm not the only person who had had this problem - It might not even be Vortex, but I'm just hoping I could get a hand, ya know?

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