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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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once we have a workable mod that all involved(those doing the actual work)are happy with. we can always add to and expand,we don't need a year long project. most begin to loose interest and RL things can also become obsticles.

personally,I'd like to see a basic good working mod that can be added to,and keep interest in it up,rather than running it into the ground with multiple quests,enormous weapos of every type and the all too present modern technical stuff,that keeps cropping up.

I' see many great ireas,but Lisn and exanimis need to set a workable platform.I think we have more than enough ideas.

Jump in get your feet wet,don't be shy!!!


I agree here. I would like to get a good solid and fun mod out then as we are able to learn more we can add more of the complicated ideas. I am not opposed to them nor do I wish for people to stop offering ideas up! PLEASE DONT! However I am a new modder. I will be lucky to learn the things I must...and if you do know scripting and things with OBSE and wish to help please do!!


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*sigh* no new arrows :(



the idea of the crossbow is good but crossbows are messy, there have been recorded cases of a bolt penetrating and exiting the body of a target. not exactly stealthy if a bolt goes ricocheing around. besideds look at vanilla obliv, lots of none soldiers have bows on thire person, it's a normal thing to see

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*sigh* no new arrows :(



the idea of the crossbow is good but crossbows are messy, there have been recorded cases of a bolt penetrating and exiting the body of a target. not exactly stealthy if a bolt goes ricocheing around. besideds look at vanilla obliv, lots of none soldiers have bows on thire person, it's a normal thing to see

as with any mod,the modders cannot please everyone,and upgrades may yet add them.but lets get a working mod as Lisn stated and go from there.


“An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.”


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*sigh* no new arrows :(



the idea of the crossbow is good but crossbows are messy, there have been recorded cases of a bolt penetrating and exiting the body of a target. not exactly stealthy if a bolt goes ricocheing around. besideds look at vanilla obliv, lots of none soldiers have bows on thire person, it's a normal thing to see


as I said...I may be able to take the neat bolt heads and put them on arrows..so at least they would look different....it is a start. And later as we become more proficent then we can do something more spectacular. However the story itself is the most important. As we all know from Hollywood....a movie can have great effects but if the story stinks..the movie stinks.


A think a great quest story will be the foundation to this mod.

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It's one thing to come up with ideas and it's something entirely different to implement them into the game. Most of your suggestions rondivu, would need new animations and scripts. Many of the ideas people have suggested on this thread call for doing something that has never been done or something that the game designers never meant the game to do (Soldiers marching in rank for example) They are excellent ideas but most of us working on this project are learning to mod as we go along and some of these ideas would take a programmer to accomplish. The small blade and the poison are something that could be done by copying the Langowine(sp) blade in the dark brotherhood quest or the quest where the player is required to switch Roderiks (sp) medicine.


I can say that the final quest will give the player the ability to transform into a flying dragon but will it be done? I very seriously doubt it.

Know what though? to make this mod possible... (and less difficult to pull off) i do realize that yes, its not that it can't... maybe it shouldn't. The possibilities are there though, just wanted to suggest them out of... well creativity... but for all the hard work ppl have done here... I must say that it is quite impressive! GOOD JOB EVERYONE! :thumbsup:

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I've been studying blender tutorials and hopefully I can learn enough to add something new before this mod is finished. Who knows? a crossbow doesn't seem to be all that complicated but I could be wrong


it isnt the making of the crossbow..it is the firing of it that would require OBSE.

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I've been studying blender tutorials and hopefully I can learn enough to add something new before this mod is finished. Who knows? a crossbow doesn't seem to be all that complicated but I could be wrong


it isnt the making of the crossbow..it is the firing of it that would require OBSE.


Exactly, because they do require scripting. No crossbows, slings or suchlike: besides arrows, the only other kind of projectile you usually get in standard Oblivion are. well, the ranged spells.


Besides crossbows, there have been attempts at shuriken and throwing weapons (I think there's at least a functioning module floating about, but I'll have to check).


However, I do agree with Dezdi and others that the gear should be a complement to the context and the story, rather than replacing them as the goal.

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