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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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Alright, here ya are.




Don't forget to credit the authors. And download it now while you can, because I'm deleting it tomorrow :P

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Children..enough already! No bickering in my thread or Mommy will have to send you to time out! :)

Please, not the paddle I just wanted a cookie! :(



paddle!... yes, I can please have another :whistling: now for something completely different....


early forms of black powder that could be made with alchemy is that ruled out? If not maybe a player with a high level in alchemy could product black powder with the right knowledge and elements to do so. It would fit the time period, and it would go with the image of black ops toys. I am not talking about Guns nor anything relate to that. Just very primitive forms of black powder that one might have seen in the late 11th - early 12th century, across Europe and middle east. Not effective enough to be employed on the battle, for an assassin it would give you nice edge. You could really not rule out, the fact that if the empire had hint of knowledge of black powder. They would see the military benefit of this powder, a try to cultivate this new technology. Even Greek Fire would be made with alchemy, giving yet another way to complete a mission.


That would mirror much of our own history how we advance with that simple powder



No..not ruled out especially when I am so impressed by your history knowledge...I do have ahistory degree so I like these things..and Monty Python references. However we need someone who can script in OBSE to do these type things. In the Thieves Job mod by Jog there are bottles with exploding stuff in them so I know it can happen. :)


sorry to go off topic here....


Animal house and Monty Python, that's trick to pull off to get those together :biggrin: I personally love history, its hobby which I should have got a degree. History nice thing to have, when you travel abroad. I sent a 2 week in France I was like kid in candy story. To see Normandy, as I think it duty as an American to go. Bayeux Tapestry, to see and walk the battlefield of Agincourt was pleasure in its own right. I really adore European history, from Rome to late 1600s. Rome, the internal city to walk the forum, as those columns stand as silent monuments the image is still as vibrant as the day I was there. But enough that I could ramble about that for ages... For ideas this mod, is right in wheelhouse of knowledge in round about way.


a Question, is the Construction set similar to 3d cad program? I use a Cad almost everyday for kitchen cabinets, I build cabinets all the time in that program.

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No the CS is a way to add or edit items in Oblivion. To make 3D meshes most people use Blender.


OK..update: If you go over to the druid's corner and see the Imperial Forces story Gamerbird wrote. It is very good. I have asked that he write this story idea into little journal enteries that can be used as clues for the player. This journal and story would be the player's predecesor (sp?) in this BlackOps. Though the story ending wont have the same outcome that Gamerbird has I thought it would be a cool way to get parts of the story and clues to what is actually going on into the game?


What you guys think?

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i have no skill waht so ever in actually creating mods, but i am interested in the ides behind them , storylines and tht. how does this sound: if your infamy is bellow 20, then you are approached and asked to follow him to a location, where a governmant official appeals to yourbetter nature, asking you tomperform duites for cyrodil and join the Night Hawks black ops. howvere, if your infamy is above 20; you get a guy coming up to you, telling you that he is" a repesntative of the empire, and that he needs you to folow him toa location in oneof the cities, to a conference. on arrival, you are lead in to a large biulding, with a hall, kithcen, bedrooms, etc. you get told to rest in the bed until the confrence begins, you do. when you awake, you are on the floor in the hall you are surrounded by corspses and blood, with a legggionarey ahouting at you, there is a blur confusion, and you are auto transported to prison. after an hour or so in prison you are visted bynsome guards and a memeber of the council. you are old that you murder some of the most imprtant people in the empire, and are to be executed. unless....they proceed to tell of the empirial Night Nahwks, the black ops organisation that carry out the more unsavoury work of the empire. if you choose to join, your life will be spared. you say yes, which kicks offthe questline, from a base of operations in te wilderness between bruma and the impr. city.

this is just a start, but what do you think of it? thanks for asuch an interesting topic

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No the CS is a way to add or edit items in Oblivion. To make 3D meshes most people use Blender.


OK..update: If you go over to the druid's corner and see the Imperial Forces story Gamerbird wrote. It is very good. I have asked that he write this story idea into little journal enteries that can be used as clues for the player. This journal and story would be the player's predecesor (sp?) in this BlackOps. Though the story ending wont have the same outcome that Gamerbird has I thought it would be a cool way to get parts of the story and clues to what is actually going on into the game?


What you guys think?


Sounds like a good idea to me! :biggrin: :yes:


Well I am getting to work on that later!

I am going to split it in to journals wrote on separate days.

When I have wrote one, I will put it in game and take a screen of it so you can see it.

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