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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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be able to upload either sataday late or sunday morning


on a side note the NPCs use some of Rens hair do you want to me to change that or keep it?




go ahead and keep it. I will prob use and pack up custom hair and eyes with this mod..that way people dont have to upload all the other mods with it.

Thanks dear. Send me a note when you upload.

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one of the major problems with laptops and trains and my internet...they dont work well together... sorry about the second post



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In my knowledge of the mod no.


I am wondering if anyone here has any experiance with Blender.

I am trying to edit a weapon but am having trouble, I would like it if someone could teach me or point me in the right direction.

I wanted to make some custom stuff for the mod.

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Hello everyone.


I was just wondering how everyone is getting on with their parts of the mod.

Also to bring this back to the first page. Kind of a bump.


I've been wondering that myself, I haven't heard from anyone in a few days.

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Didn't read past pg 1 of the posts, so if i'm repeating someone elses idea forgive me. *deep breath*


Quest line could be made dependent on completion of certain level of ThievesG quests. Proves candidate is sneaky enough. "Persons within the Empire have been keeping close watch on your actions since your 'escape' from the imperial prison. Should you wish to use your talents in the employ of the Imperium, you could be well compensated."

Another thought, possible to have an 'agent' contact candidate IF he/she is approached by LaChance? "We have been informed of your actions and the recent contact with a certain organization of ill repute. We have an offer for you..."

Possible actions in quest line could be the clearing of a DB organization/lair? OOOh, or the 'removal' of a member of the Black Hand? *Build a new one, lives in the middle of nowhere, like near Hermaus Mora shrine, 'seeking the deeper truths of Sithis'* Whack the big wig after the initial LaChance contact to prove allegiance to Empire.


I would strongly recommend the Blades have NOTHING to do with this quest except maybe a tie in somewhere. But I wouldn't have them (blades) associated with this blackops group of the legion. Blades answer only to emperor. Legion is more a tool of the Council. For all intents and purposes the Blades are debunked after Martins demise. IDk if there are any more dragonborn around with legitimate lineage.


At any rate, like any good guild our champion would do the 'dirty' deeds required by this covert branch to work his/her way up the ranks. but for the GRANDE FINALE! Like I saw in a previous post, Grand Poo Bah of this organization goes a little power hungry. Our faithful operative begins to wonder, along with our handler...(like any good covert ops unit/org that uses individual operatives, no one knows who else is in except the high muck-eh-mucks. So, there would have to be a handler, kinda like the doyen for TG). Anyways, after a few recon missions and further contact with our handler, we learn that many within the organization are concerned. Next day, some big deal is brought to the Council. Big name councilor says Council is failing the people in this regard, demands immediate reparation for whoever (yes, i'm leaving our important details, this is a VERY rough idea i'm figuring out as I'm typing!!). Cyrodiil is awash with rumors and the Council is in an uproar. Next night, big dinner in Council chambers and the whistle blower falls face first into his plate of cliff racer with a glow dust reduction. *SCREAM* Alchemist is called in, figures out cup has poison film on it. Shucky darn, go figure, you just got all the ingredients for that same poison a few missions ago and, uh oh!, your handler just got dragged into the main chamber missing a hand and swears by the devine Akatosh that he gave you the order to poison the whistle blower. NOW, you gotta get into the Grand Poo Bah's place to prove your innocence by stealing the evidence. Oh crap, there's a turn coat agent waiting for you! Oh crap, you killed him. Oh crap it's Ocato's kid! .... ok, i'm flyin off the tracks here. Use it if you can!!!

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