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is this still alive? i really hope it is but im still not happy with my npcs so im gunna redo again... just a note i use beautiful people mod


Edward Cullen

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Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead (sorry to dissapoint anyone :P ) To cut a long yarn short, I was unable to access the computer for the past 2 weeks, but that's a story for another day. Ok, I'm back, I've written some stuff up which I'll email to you Lisn at somepoint probobly a couple days after christmas (there's your present from me :P ). I've written up some quests an' such.


WARNING OFF TOPIC! (sort of) : Prior to the whole unable to access a computer thing I was working on some retexturing stuff with GIMP and I'd like to know more if anyone would care to send me a link to a good tutorial or help me out with it at all it would be much appreciated. TY.

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I live.


I have had issues, holiday stuff and I have been working on a major mod which I like and has been practice to help with this one. I should be posting more now. Sorry about this all.




good to know I am learning things. Will read and comment asap on thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1) HAI everyone!


2) Good to have you back Lisn


3) I'm not dead


4) I haven't suddenly dropped off of this project I just haven't been able to access my email lately (i have an alternative so PM me if you need it).


5) uhhhhh, I just like to have stuff be multiples of 5 :P

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