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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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That works, but how's about:


"I'm dlsydeixc but so is my wohle demnad filamy." ;D


Back on track. You've got several kinds of blades and armours which's mostly everything the mod'll need as far as new models go, right?


Tyreil made a few generic NPC's and I also remember that someone's been working on the underground barracks.


Which would basically mean that most of the stuff is in place. So, what's missing?

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Aaron...that is wonderful. You are learning very rapidly and I love this. I am sure that you will continue to learn. There are some good glow map tutorials out there and GIMP is a great resource also.


Alex....absolutely cool. I am sorry for the delay in my reply. I love to try things in-game..hint hint to both of you.


Also to ihateregisteringeverywhere:

I am glad of your interest in this project...however as to what is missing...GAK! More things than I would want to list. Quest writing, scripting, NPC placement and AI, pathings, decorating, weapon scripting, blah blah blah. Some of these things I dont know how to do so have to rely on others and/or learn. The process of this mod is completely dependent on my larning curve...and my availble time. I am not working at present so I have some time...but I am also a mother and my daughter is of course my 1st prioroty.


Again I thank everyone for thier help. I am working on a update of where we stand. If everyone could PM me with what they have completed and are working on I would appreciate it.


Also Alex....if you know how to quest script you, me and Zepher need to talk at some point.


OK..talk to you guys later.

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I'm glad you like it, Lisa :)

Yes , I can do some quest scripting if I have the wiki near me and if the script isn't extremely complex :biggrin:



Oh , here is the latest (and final I hope) version of the blade :











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Just me saying this Alex so don't take much notice of it.


The blade looks a little bit funny to me.

Maybe try another texture?


Although I can't see properly without my glasses so I am probably being an idiot and making a fool of myself.

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