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Imperial BlackOps Mod


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I really like this idea and would love to read through everyone's ideas, but 54 pages...


Anyway, on the first page, there's an idea about raiding and taking out almost everyone on a caravan, and you couldn't just leave all that loot! But something like that wouldn't be a one-man job in a million years, you'd have to have a squad or something of other BlackOps members, probably three or four.


So I'm not sure if it's been suggested, but team effort Quests have always appealed to me, unfortunately, they don't really exist. I'm sure it would take pretty intense scripting to program a stealthy NPC/Companion to help take out a caravan. I can see the AI botching that one up.


Also, I'm sure it's been brought up, what are the ideas for custom armor?

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Yeah, though this mod seems dead....I ...*ahem* still want that red katana... uhhh yeahh... if anyone's got that lyin around on their desktop they can post a download to it... not to sound selfish or anything just if at all possible that would be great.



To be honest this is THE MOD that I WANNA SEE. The Blades just weren't exciting... you join the Blades then... well you get a place to sleep?


I'd like to see this amazing idea finished, but I know Lisnpuppy's been gone for a long time, that's too bad about her mother and all that. =| Also I was wondering if this could work if you were a Blade? Like a Blade could be part of the BlackOps or it's a prerequisite or something like that. Hope it can be continued.

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Not to sound mean or anything, but you really don't need the person with the original idea, it's always nice for that person to be there when their concept comes to fruition, but all we really need are people devoted enough to work on it. This could definitely be done if we got the manpower.
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Also, I'm sure it's been brought up, what are the ideas for custom armor?


I personally would prefer one of these:

Alexscorpions Sneaking Gear - A little futuristic :P

Alexscorpions Deadly Shadows


But they are looking for a Star Wars Force Unleashed Costume (Which I don't exactly think would look to hot in oblivion :whistling: )


If anyone else is interested I think I may be able to make a module about this, or maybe just help out with as I am currently working on another module already Link. So, anyone else interested?

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Not to sound mean or anything, but you really don't need the person with the original idea, it's always nice for that person to be there when their concept comes to fruition, but all we really need are people devoted enough to work on it. This could definitely be done if we got the manpower.


Not arguing with you on that, I'd love to help out though I've got no modding skills, I've got ideas and I'd be willing to help out in any way I can.

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Also, I'm sure it's been brought up, what are the ideas for custom armor?


I personally would prefer one of these:

Alexscorpions Sneaking Gear

Alexscorpions Deadly Shadows


But they are looking for a Star Wars Force Unleashed Costume (Which I don't exactly think would look to hot in oblivion :whistling: )


You're right, they would look a bit out of place. The Assassin's Creed armor would look great, especially considering that the Mod comes in black, too, but that would be reusing something from a different game and that's just not cool.

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I can do retextures, think up ideas, make NPCs, script a little, do quests, and I can probably get my hands on some cool music :biggrin:


But at the moment I cannot model worth crap (but I could get better!)


You're right, they would look a bit out of place. The Assassin's Creed armor would look great, especially considering that the Mod comes in black, too, but that would be reusing something from a different game and that's just not cool.


I agree, what do you think of Deadly Shadows though?


Oh and Black Ninja, do you have the construction set?

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Oh wow, I just kind of took a quick peek at Deadly Shadows before, on looking at it again, it looks really good.


Another thing that would be good for this is some sort of blade that's an instant kill on anything with a succesful sneak attack, the 4* damage is great and all, but for an Imperial Assassin, you just need that guarantee. I think we could learn from the Assassin's Creed armor on this one seeing as it has the wrist blade, but it's not counted as a weapon, it's just part of the glove. It also removes the finger. If we could make that aforementioned weapon, that would be pretty awesome.

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Not to sound mean or anything, but you really don't need the person with the original idea, it's always nice for that person to be there when their concept comes to fruition, but all we really need are people devoted enough to work on it. This could definitely be done if we got the manpower.


Not arguing with you on that, I'd love to help out though I've got no modding skills, I've got ideas and I'd be willing to help out in any way I can.


I'm in the same boat. Loads of ideas, but no knowledge of his to make them work. I'm trying to teach myself how to use the CS and it's coming along okay, but balancing that, work, and my attempt at music is getting hard.

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