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Do HD bodies effect FPS when they are clothed?


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always kinda wondered this. i know that normally, any hi-res texture will hit fps harder than a lower res. but what about bodies. are they actually rendered underneath clothing? if so, do they affect fps all the time or only when nekkid? thanks
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Armor normally works as some kind of body replacer, so its .nif normally contains only visible areas - rest got deleted. Except versions that show mostly the whole body, not worth the effort/performance win to delete stuff. Edited by ghosu
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ok, well i'm trying to decide if i wanna use a hi-res body texture or not. i don't plan on having lotsa npcs nude. just looting i guess, maybe a follower. so if i use hd body textures in those situations, will i see a significant fps hit, as opposed to non HD? or since they'll be clothed in the armor/clothing textures i'm already using, will i not see any fps loss?
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lol. i am trying it and i can't see any fps difference, either when they're clothed OR when nude. i'm testing in the market circle in Whiterun. hell, i'm not seeing more than 1-2 fps difference when using hd body textures or non-hd 1024, and that may be a placebo effect. but i have a pretty beastly rig. i just was curious if there was a definitive conclusion on whether HD bodies had a difference if clothed or not. i'm GUESSING that an hd body clothed in an hd armor would be the same fps wise. but an hd body in a low res armor would have less of an fps hit. but if you took the armor off you'd loose fps... but i can't tell lol. apparently it's insignificant on a decent rig. probably could tell better on low end
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If you render HD textures, the data is thrown to the graphics card (predominantly textures are rendered there) and then processing occurs as to whether or not the render needs to take place. If, for instance, you need to render clothing instead of the HD body textures, then the render shifts to the clothing. However, the body texture is still rendered, just not to the maximum extent. That is the nature of graphics rendering through certain engines, like Creation Engine (Skyrim). In short, a well-oiled machine will not experience a drop in performance, whilst obviously a subpar rig will.
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