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Strange lag, need help


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I've been having this frustrating problem where every time certain textures load I get awkward jittery lag. It's not a frame rate issue, as I maintain my normal 30 fps while this is happening. I wish I knew how to explain what was occuring, but it does not seem like normal lag. I can still walk around at full speed but my mouse turns into a jittery mess, especially in first person or when turning the camera diagonally. I've searched the internet far and wide for people having a similar problem and I've found nothing. Last night I did everything I could possibly do to try to fix it. I lowered all the settings to the lowest they would go. I used the lowest possible resolution, even going into the .ini file and forcing a lower resolution than what was listed. I edited the .ini file to remove all shadows from the game. I made sure Skyrim was so to high priority. I tried all manner of fixes on the interweb that I could find. I turned off all mods (I have no texture mods). Still, after all this, the lag remained.


I then found a spot in the game where I can get this lag to start and stop on command. It's not a particularly dense or graphically intense area. It's just a flag blowing in the wind next to a wall. When I walk to where the flag fades, the lag stops. When I walk up to it and it appears, the lag starts again.


I then decided to try to fraps this so I could seek assistance, and for whatever reason, when I start recording with fraps, the lag stops. I have no idea why. If I stand in a spot where the lag is most intense, and then hit the record button, the lag is 100% gone. What is fraps doing that makes this bizarre lag stop? How can I duplicate what fraps is doing without actually using fraps?


My specs are as follows:


i5-2320 quad core 3ghz

6gb ram

AMD Radeon HD 7450

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Is this with a new game, or a saved game? It could be that a previously installed mod is still being referenced by the gamesave. I did come across something similar with fraps fixing a lag issue, no idea off the top of my head, but I'll get back to you.
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what's clamping the FPS at 30? if is vertical aynchronism that may be the answer for the bad mouse lagging. Try disabling it at your card control panel (catalyst the name, I think).


Edit: You may want to include the following line at the Skyrim.ini (found under My Games at the Documents folder):



under the [Display] section.

Edited by nosisab
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Holy crap! Someone else with the same issue, I feel your pain! I wish I knew something on this myself, I get it while moving in certain areas. Also looking down towards the ground or left/right while in first person no matter where I am outside or inside. It's been like that ever since I got Dawnguard loaded up.. Literally, the stutter happened from the second I installed it and loaded my various saves/new games. And yes, I've reinstalled and all that :/ (No, it's not a patch issue, it's not a mod issue-I have none-, it's not a save file issue, it's DAWNGUARD, worked fine before hand with the exact same patch/file/gear/area/everything) [For "Me" that is... ...] I get it horrendously bad look stutter compared to usual (whatever you wanna call it, when I move my mouse any direction) while I wield any sort of crossbow. But, I dunno, I've even tried it on multiple computer ranging from a crappy 1ghz laptop with AMD HD 6310 to a top of the line mac pro-bootcamped with windows 7. different frame rates, same stutter-jitter :(
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what's clamping the FPS at 30? if is vertical aynchronism that may be the answer for the bad mouse lagging. Try disabling it at your card control panel (catalyst the name, I think).


Edit: You may want to include the following line at the Skyrim.ini (found under My Games at the Documents folder):



under the [Display] section.


I've added that already, and I'm not capped at 30 FPS, it just happens to be what my system runs at. It usually fluctuates between 20-30. I will look into the vertical synchronism though.

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Looking through a couple forums, seems that the majority of people with similar problems were able to work around them by using the Simple Boarderless Window mod or something similar. Basicly run your game in windowed mode maximized.

Tried that as well, to no avail. The one thing that did seem to solve it was playing in an 800x600 window, which was tiny. This lead me to believe it was an issue with my monitor, which is entirely possible, but I pulled out an old monitor and had the same issues. Maybe it's time to upgrade to a monitor from this decade.

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