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is there any one who want to make the enclave/BOS power armor to look like Ironman on the movie? It doesn't have to be MK III (gold in red), Mark 1 or 2 would be good enough for blending with Fallout 3 environment.
Are you willing to buy it?


Ironman Mark 3 and WarMachine Armor by Pathou


Ironman Mark 3 Armor by Pathou


If not, here are some schematics for you:




More reference images can be found in my PhotoBucket gallery.

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I could see the BoS Outcasts in a truncated form of the MkI armor. Cobbled together from their own broken down power armor and various components scavenged from the wastes. Not eight feet tall, or anything, but the general faceplate and scaled-down bulkiness.


From my perspective, the Enclave has the top-of-the-line, 'new age', technologically evolved Power Armor, while the Brotherhood is still operating with passed-down-through-generations suits from the Great War. And, after they separated from the main caste of BoS, the Outcasts have had to make do with whatever they could to keep their own suits operational, much like our home-grown technologies of the Railway Rifle and Rock-It Launcher.


Of course, you'd need the GECK to be able to separate the Outcasts from the BoS and the interjoined Power ARmor meshes that they share... but as for seeing a MkI Iron Man in the Capital Wastes? I'm all for it.


The MkII/III would surely come next from those that have no qualms with striding right past the line of "going too far". (Stride? Wait.... No, I mean: 'Dance all over it like a flamenco dancer in cleats.' Heheheh.)

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:rolleyes: Would love to equip Iron Man's armor in Fallout 3 and kill some monsters! Because on PC, the Iron Man game really was bad, because ported from PS2, so in Fallout 3 it would be very, very great to just walk around in any of his armor, even MK1, which would blend in perfectly! Hope some modeler will sacrifice some time to make it real!!!


between found an unfinished model in Maya as obj format:


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voldzito, nice find.


Here is the same model in Blender format with the mirror applied and the related text information stored inside the model.





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This model is, is.... :blink: ... (speechless)


Found this one in YouTube, but hard to find it's work, maybe we could try to contact him and ask him about the model and the option on making armor for F3 :biggrin:^^


Also this one: http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...ideoid=26509125


Which leads to conclusion, that there are many Iron Man fands, that made as fans his model, so all we need here is to get them and get permission on their work, so we can make it reality for Fallout3 :)


And another one:


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