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Fallout 3 : My Way : 2 : Cleaning the DLC + Navmesh Problem


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What is the title of the Guide? What year was it published?


Why are you attempting to remove the navmesh?


Are you having a problem with the game?

I'm following this guide for modded fallout 3 and the guide says do it
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Access Denied for the docs.google.


Doesn't matter, you should never, ever delete anything from the base game or DLCs. If you absolutely need to, you can safely disable things.


LOOT has never sorted FO3 mods correctly. You can use it, but be prepared to re-arrange you load order to have a functioning game.


Again, are you having a problem with the game? Have you started the game to generate the .ini?


I have never cleaned an .esm or .esp and I have been running the same game for the past 6 years.


I have over 700 hours in the game.

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If I understand correctly what they are telling you to do.

You should have The Pit ESM open , then Broken Steel. Your pic shows you have the tree open under the main file "Fallout3.esm" Which is where the original navmesh object resides.

Then under the Pitt and BS ... there is a record that deletes the navmesh from showing up in game when those are active. And as far as I can tell ... they are telling you to delete the deletion records. Not the actual navmesh , in that step anyways.

So you need to load the pitt and broken steel in the x-edit tool , if you are not already. Then look under them in the tree, not the main file.


Hope that helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The NavMesh process is also clearly explained by GamerPoets via a YewTewb tutorial you can find at the following link
(with all the FormID numbers to be fixed given in the comments... sometimes it's easier to follow along by watching rather-than just reading)


(Not a rickroll... swear2gawd...)

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The NavMesh process is also clearly explained by GamerPoets via a YewTewb tutorial you can find at the following link

(with all the FormID numbers to be fixed given in the comments... sometimes it's easier to follow along by watching rather-than just reading)



(Not a rickroll... swear2gawd...)



A string of modding tips and tools as well. Thumbs up @humanbean234


Kitty Black

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