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Something that has bothered me.


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Okay, first of all, I want you to let me know if I'm crazy or not, because the dual-wielding animations bother me immensely and they don't seem to bother anyone else. I mean, you have two weapons, and only one shows up on your character model. Why did Bethesda get so lazy on that? Also, when unsheathing, the second weapon just appears out of thin air. If someone could make it so both weapons show at your character's waist, and/or change the animation so it looks like both weapons come out of sheaths, I'd be grateful and it wouldn't bother me to dual wield anymore.
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There were about 100+ threads (no kidding) within the last year, seems still no one found a solution - or works on one. As far as i know it's the most often requested mod ever ;)


That's a shame. It's really bothersome having a sword materialize in your offhand.

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