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fallout 4 vortex profiles issues


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I am new to vortex and using profiles.


So I have my main play through with a bunch of mods but I want to set up a new character with no mods.


I enabled profiles on vortex and created a new profile with 0 mods and when i enabled that profile vortex disabled the mods


I log into fallout 4 and notice a bunch of mod related stuff still exists like mod created locations, quests, etc.


I check in the fallout 4 mod load order and all the mods are still listed there


I check in vortex and all the mods are still listed as disabled but the plug-in page lists a bunch of plug-ins as still enabled



what am i doing wrong?



Also, is it necessary to start the game through vortex or can I start it through my F4SE desktop icon?

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When you create a new profile, your mods are incorporated into that profile. However, they show as enabled or disabled, depending on whether you cloned the profile or created it anew. In the latter case, the mods will show as disabled. On the plugins page the only enabled plugins you will (or should) see are the vanilla game plugins (ESMs, etc.), since they are not managed by Vortex.


You don't need Vortex to start your game. You need it only to set up your mods.

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Another way to think of it is that each game has a pool of mods that you downloaded and installed.

Your profiles specify which mods you have enabled for that profile. The Plugins tab only lists the plugins for mods that are enabled, and like Augusta mentioned, files not managed by Vortex.

If you really have a mod related plugin showing up for a mod that is installed by Vortex but not enabled, that is incorrect. Give us an example.

Note: All bets are off if you don't Deploy when you switch profiles. I consider that required.

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