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Current issues with site performance and downloads


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Hey, skip the free days. The site has a couple of issues once in a while but generally speaking this site runs smoother than my ISP.
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This is not meant as a dig to anyone at all. I was reading some of the posts about the site being slow and such. I have to say we the users of the NEXUS Site are spoiled rotten. You should check out the Torchlight II fan site to see how not to run a site sheesh. Anyway I am sure the fine folks behind the scenes here will have everything up and cruising right along soon.


Strength and Fortune to All

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" If you are a Premium Member we will look to add on some extra free days to all current memberships once we've got a fix rolled out "


Thanx so much for thinking about this, but first and foremost good luck on fixing those issues.

Luckily, besides these slowdowns, I could always access this site.


Thanx for your hard work !

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