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Clarity on Premium Benefits


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Just before the very recent download button changes I was considering a Premium Lifetime membership.
I will almost certainly get one as I like several large mods that are frequently updated, so the speed will be convenient.

But I would like the Dark0ne or someone in a similar position to just confirm a few points:

1) Does Premium remove all the extra steps that you have recently put in, especially the ‘wait’ button?

2) Will you promise not to break in the future the ability of Mod Organizer to download in favour of pushing people onto Vortex?

(I have nothing against Vortex - just preference) The convenience of the linking API is really important to me.

The recent changes already seem to be messing up MO2’s downloading. I presume that’s temporary.

3) Does Premium get rid of any site ads in Vortex too?

4) Does the UK price include VAT already - 20% is a lot to be hit with on checkout. What about after January 31st? :smile:

Apologies if these are already answered elsewhere.


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I'll answer these for you.


  1. Yes
  2. I did not know the recent changes affected MO, but we didn't need to do any sort of patch or fix for Vortex, so I assume whatever is causing that issue is actually related to how the MO devs have coded their download mechanism. Or it was because the initial release of the change had a bug in it which we fixed after about 30 minutes?
  3. Yes
  4. All prices shown are exclusive of VAT. If you are within the EU VAT will be charged at your local VAT rate as per VAT MOSS (which is hell, absolute hell). If/when Britain leaves the EU that may change depending on whatever deal they come up with.


I hope that answered it all for you.

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I hope you can offer more options for payment besides only the two you currently offer now. Because of your limited options, I can not Support this site, as of now. I know I'm not the only one in this situation. I would support this site right now if there was a way. Can I send you a money order?

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Right now we accept debit cards, credit cards, and bank transfers via Pay Pal.


The Premium purchasing and billing system is one of the top things on our agenda moving forward and we hope to get that completed in the new year, but I do not know what other payments we are going to be allowing. However, a direct money order/bank transfer is unlikely to be one of those accepted.

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Thanks for the replies.


I suspect that there was a initial bug fixed because MO2 seems to be working fine now.


I guess you can't 'promise' anything on question 2. I was a bit cheeky pushing.


I just don't want any future artificial barriers put in place, which is why I asked.


I will very shortly be getting Premium, in any case. Currently modding Skyrim VR and mods hosted on the Nexus endlessly extend that game.

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