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Kill move remover.


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Go to Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Skyrim.ini


Add in the following







This should disabled the slow motion and 'screen locking' for the kill moves, while still performing them at normal speed without locking your screen up. Works perfect, the only issue is, if you go to perform a kill move on a dragon in 1st person it just locks you in place while the dragon flails around be killed by an invisible you.


But, they fix the problem of them going off for no reason. Before this fix there were many times I got killed by basic simple enemies because it went into a 'failed kill move' like 6 times in a row on it, locking me up so I could be pounded on. I think this glitch was based around a spell I was using (Steam Emitter)


Honestly my favorite ini edit, hands down. Makes kill moves fun again, since they only rarely happen, and when they do it's unexpected and an ACTUAL KILL MOVE. Though, long range weapons/spells have NO kill moves now.

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