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  • 2 weeks later...

Patrick Bach from DICE (creators of Battlefield) once said, "modding is a declining trend". Needless to say, his comment estranged the entire core Battlefield community and was one of the first steps in a downward spiral towards the DICE we see now. In the end, they were forced to close the entire EA forums, which had been dubbed "Mordor" due to it becoming "the black pit of negativity".


DICE made a decision that simply cannot be viable in the long term. They took this stance because they wanted to lock everything down and focus on making a console-oriented Call of Duty clone - which may sell well, but will never topple Call of Duty as the best-selling game around - and when the players eventually move on, DICE will have no fans to fall back to. But, a part of me also thinks EA had it's influence there...


You see, EA is a bloated games publisher run by it's marketing department. To them, success comes from smearing highly-appealing adverts all over everything in existence to the point where nobody even notices any other games. The Elder Scrolls series is successful because their games tend to keep one's interest for a very long time, and people will still be buying the game years down the line when the sequel is out. And one big reason they keep your interest? Mods.


But, I bet you one day Bethesda will do the same thing. Trust me. Hence why it is quite difficult to do anything with the Creation Kit and Papyrus other than weapon mods and quests... It's the first step in my view.

Edited by demidekidasu
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