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Question about the new password rules.


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We do believe that the data you are trusting us with is worth protecting. 12 characters are a reasonable security standard. If we made it less secure and i.e. a big mod author's account gets stolen, then potentially thousands of users are put in jeopardy if the hijacker were to abuse the trust that mod author has with the community in nefarious ways.


If you are struggling to remember your password, I would recommend using a password manager such as LastPass.

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If that is then that'll suck hard core. Umm. As with 8 characters, lower, upper, number, special character , that's like 100s of billions of password combinations. Something for me to Google later. O.o Apologies, this is blowing my mind that something that could be in the trillions of combinations isn't ' enough ' . O.o Ok, let's say an 80 character set, that should be 80 to the 8th power or, if this calculator is right, 1,677,721,600,000,000 possible combinations. O.o o.O O.O That's a lot of combinations for an 8 character password. Hmm. Well, I'll do some Googling but if that is no longer enough then that sucks. >.<

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Guest deleted34304850

Reading various posts about the recent security updates on Nexusmods, it's no wonder cybercrime is so profitable.

Just. Staggering.

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There would not be such a fuss about password length and composition if people would just use a password manager. There are many quality password managers available in cloud and non-cloud editions. They are extremely easy to set up and use. I've used a non-cloud password manager for thirteen years. That clever little program has made my online life so much easier and safer.

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There would not be such a fuss about password length and composition if people would just use a password manager. There are many quality password managers available in cloud and non-cloud editions. They are extremely easy to set up and use. I've used a non-cloud password manager for thirteen years. That clever little program has made my online life so much easier and safer.

Would that clever little program by any chance have a name and/or link you would share??

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computers have become a lot faster and password leaks more common (and people tend to use the same passwords over and over) and so brute-forcing and other fun hacks have become a lot easier.


Humans suck at passwords; let tools like


do that stuff for you and generate a truly random and strong password. And use two-factor authentication where possible.

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