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I died. Is it safe to resurrect the Player?


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Here's what the UESP Wiki page for console commands has to say about it (emphasis added):


Unless you use this command the instant the NPC is killed, the game will still register the target as "Dead" and they will subsequently not be mentioned in dialogue and sometimes specifically referred to as "Dead" during a quest. Adding a tag of "1" at the end (i.e., resurrect 1) will make the target get up instead of vanishing and reappearing, thus allowing them to keep their equipment. If an NPC's corpse has vanished already, you will also need to enable the NPC. Using this on the player character will not dismiss the "Load last save?" screen, and the camera will behave as if you were still lying dead on the ground. However, if you use the resurrect command before the Loading message appears, the player will revive, but the camera will be centered on the feet rather than the head.


EngineBugFixes has a fix for the camera problems part but it doesn't mention anything about needing to use the command on the player before the "Load last save" screen. As I've never tried it on any of my guys I can't say one way or another about how good an idea it is. I can say that saving often using the game's save menu via the Ecs menu and don't overwrite previous saves gives me total security when the inevitable crash occurs or I make a decision in the game I regret (my guy seldom dies these days, I have hime well and fully tanked up).

Edited by Striker879
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I don't know which mod I have that fixes it (probably EngineBugFixes or Oblivion Reloaded) but I have none of those problems. The "Load last save" screen doesn't pop up at all no matter how long I wait and there is no problem with the camera. Everything seems to work fine after resurrecting the player but you never know if something broke in the background, maybe some quest or something will fail. I also tried to make the player essential and that also worked very well. He acted just like any other essential NPC and got back to life after a while after dying. There are a lot of prevent death mods out there that tries to prevent death by interrupting the game just before the player dies, I wonder why they don't just resurrect the player instead or make him essential.

Edited by Grogrokl
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