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Morrowind won't Play

The Truth

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Ahhhhhh...ok. Thank you. I could really care less about bragging rights so I know I can cross that X800 right off the list. Well....actually...the 650 price tage crosses it right off the list. I'll probably go after a GeForce 4 Ti, unless I can find a 2 for a signifigantly lower price, though I really want the pretty water.


Thanks again for all your help on this subject....and my apologies for such ungodly hours(if you're US based that is). But after playing the game on the Xbox for so long, I'm not sure I could stand playing it on the PC and having it possibly look worse.

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Well, you should probably consider the many things that exist between the GF4 and 9600 -- the 9600 itself has three lower levels of performance (and thus pricing) besides the XT: the Radeon 9600SE, the vanilla Radeon 9600, and the Radeon 9600 Pro. You could also consider some of the lesser-known R3XX cards that come below the 9600 in performance, such as the Radeon 9200. If you're really looking for options, you could also try some of the low- and mid-end cards in the (ugh) GeForce FX line.
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Well once I get me paycheck and pay off the people that need paying, I'll take what I have left and start looking into those options. After all, I'm just looking for something that will allow me to play the game with a reasonable level of clarity so I can start exploring the CS. So far...I've made an NPC, and I'm pretty sure I've placed her in Seyda Neen, but can't actually check and test her out. ^_^
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  • 2 years later...

dude, if you can't run in 32, then you propobly have a 400mhz, 256mb ram piece of ancient history. buy a new computer. one with 128 mb graphics, 1gig ram, 2.8 ghz dual processors and a decent hard drive. this is a low end machine these days (400-500 dollars) for a real machine go for the new dell with the hand painted case. 4gigs ram, 4.8 ghz dual overclocked processors, gawd knows how much space, and a huge graphics card. $9k :excl:

go for the faster ones, they run the game in 2-3 second load screens instead of 2-3 minutes.


p.s. the relic i described was my old dell. the mid range is the standard HP desktop out there. (i run with half the ram and processing speed b/c i have a slimline.)


High-End: Radeon 9800XT (Expect above $US250, but the prices are going to drop soon)

$120 at wal-mart

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