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1.8 bugs & changes


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1.) Follower Ai seems to have become more prone to glitching. Specifically, resulting in followers not attacking, not registering they're in combat - allowing you to have conversations etc - and so on. This is an older glitch (read http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/658662-follower-combat-ai-problem/ for some more info) but more frequent after the patch. For me, anyway. It's also manifesting (i believe) in followers refusing to move. Have seen multiple people talking about it over the last few days.


Thank god this is a universal problem! I was doing some bugtesting for Atvir recently, and was getting really worried about the weird combat glitches I was experiencing. He often wouldn't attack at all, and would also sheathe his weapons after killing a single enemy (even though there were still, like, five angry bandits around us). I hadn't touched his combat AI recently, so I was really at a loss as to what could be causing this.


I've also run into several weird combat animation issues:


1) NPC animations being slow to respond, or not responding at all. I had a DB assassin "run" up to me in the neutral pose (Vitruvian man style), and I've seen multiple NPCs make successful attacks without swinging their weapons.


2) Followers still carrying their weapons after a battle. So far, I've only observed Atvir exhibiting this behaviour, but I haven't picked up any additional companions yet, so I don't know whether this is a universal problem or unique to my mod. Strangely, if I look at him as the battle ends, he'll sheathe his swords properly, but if I'm not facing him when he exits the combat state, he'll often still be carrying them. Even more strangely, the weapons are (sort of) registered as sheathed, because the next time combat starts, the "unsheathing" sound will play, though the animation won't fire. When this bug is occurring outside of combat, he'll play normal non-combat animations if standing still or walking, but still uses the combat running animation if he's trying to catch up to me.

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no, you're definitely not the only one. starting a new game fixed the issue for me, or rather - l haven't experienced the issue since l started Prienne. (my character). There are several bugs that seem to combine at times.

Are you able to test the issue out on another char to see if it persists? l don't expect it's anything wrong w/ your follower, tho - rather with how the game is handling things atm. that being said, l have had fairly smooth gameplay this time around. got a follower from 3d npcs (interesting npcs) and really enjoying him. my kajhit kitty! hell l can't spell. lol. l'll update the post with the details you added, btw. thanks :)

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Are you able to test the issue out on another char to see if it persists? l don't expect it's anything wrong w/ your follower, tho - rather with how the game is handling things


I'm currently playing on a new character that I made over the weekend (so, post 1.8 ). I haven't tried any pre-1.8 saves yet, but you're right, I should give them a try and see if the problem persists.


For a while, Atvir wasn't attacking enemies at all, simply circling them and shouting his standard combat insults. I managed to correct that issue by using the console to resurrect him, but the other problems were less accommodating :(.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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yeah...when l was doing research for the thread l found a few people talking about this type of bug. had rarely if ever experienced it pre-1.8, but the game l was playing when it rolled out got destroyed pretty much. part of that would be mod conflicts l think, but l've been seeing people say it's more frequent than it was.
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Has anyone else noticed it's easier to see how much health your followers have? Mine seems to be updating much easier if l just hover over him. Before half the time l had to fire a spell at lydia. It is a 3d interesting npc follower, though... Any thoughts on it being a 1.8 change?
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