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I have the latest SKSE for the new patch. SkyUI and iHUD are not worki


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I downloaded the lastest version of SKSE (1.6.4) and it's giving me the same error every time I load Skyrim, that the patch is higher than the skse I'm using. Also, SkyUI keeps telling me SKSE is not being ran and my iHUD mod does not respond when I toggle it. Any idea what the problem is?
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Try reinstalling SKSE.


I'm getting bugs with Ihud not working properly, displaying health mana and stamina that is not correct and doesnt go away, got latest patch SKSE and Ihud.


Would you recommend replacing all the files that come along with it? Or just the SKSE file? Because I've tried the first option twice.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey everybody. I've got a similar problem. I run Skyrim version with SKSE 1.06.05 and SkyUI.


SkyUI tells me, that SKSE could not be detected. I reinstalled Skyrim with no Mods (just SkyUI and SKSE) read several Guides how to install it if I mised something. I tried to install the Data with NMM and manually. Still not working.

Any advice? I don't know whats wrong.


SKSE_loader log

skse loader 01060050 01CDD24095DC5F8E 6.1 (7601)
runtime root = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\
config path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\SKSE\skse.ini
procPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\\TESV.exe
launching: TESV.exe (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\\TESV.exe)
dwSignature = FEEF04BD
dwStrucVersion = 00010000
dwFileVersionMS = 00010008
dwFileVersionLS = 00970000
dwProductVersionMS = 00010008
dwProductVersionLS = 00970000
dwFileFlagsMask = 00000017
dwFileFlags = 00000000
dwFileOS = 00000004
dwFileType = 00000001
dwFileSubtype = 00000000
dwFileDateMS = 00000000
dwFileDateLS = 00000000
version = 0001000800970000
steam exe
hook call addr = 00F55A01
load lib addr = 0106A0B4
dll = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\\skse_1_8_151.dll
main thread id = 4844
hookBase = 001C0000
loadLibraryAAddr = 74CD49D7
hook thread complete


SKSE steam loader log

skse loader 01060050 (steam) 01CDD240969F3D38 6.1 (7601)
base addr = 6B9E0000
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime IAT = 0106A1D8
original GetSystemTimeAsFileTime = 74CD3509
patched GetSystemTimeAsFileTime = 6B9E1600
GetStartupInfoA IAT = 0106A1D0
original GetStartupInfoA = 74CD0E00
patched GetStartupInfoA = 6B9E1620


Thanks in advance



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I was having problems till I made sure I was running the SKSE_LOADER.exe with the RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR box checked under the programs PROPERTIES-ADVANCED.


Hell yeah. My savior. It's the little things.... Thanks man. Oh boy I could have thought of that myself :D

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