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Railway Sniper? >.>


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IM currently having ALOT of trouble textureing... I can model a train rail sniper gun but someone else would have to uv and texture it.


There's lots of folks to team up with.


I tried my hand at texturing the other day, and then again a few minutes ago...


Yeah, I didn't get any better. Everything is sooooo dark in the editor, but when I get it into the game, it's jacked up by several brightness levels. Perhaps it's because I have my normal screen gamma and brightness lowered because it was giving me eyestrain, but I raised the gamma and brightness in the game because I couldn't see anything. >.>


In any case, I am absolute rubbish at texturing or creating new esp files. All I can really do is some extremely, and I do mean extremely, basic nif editing and a bit of esp editing to make a mod suit my tastes a bit more.

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ok I added a long barral to the railrifle and just set its UV to use part of the texture already that kinda fits a barral.

Was going to add a scope cut off from the snperrifle but the actual scope has lenses as a seperate part from the model and im not sure yet how to add an extra node to a model whichout nifscope chucking the @&@*s when I try to copyover the extra trishape.



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::envisions using a Railspike Gatling::

Ewww... It'd look like one of those RAider wall hangings. You know, the headless guy tied to the mattress?


**thunkthunkthunkthunkthunk** And now we have a body spiked to a wall... Heheheh.


I haven't yet made my Railway Rifle... so can't comment on having a sniper version... But, I think a Gatling might be a bit over-the-top. (Which in no way means I think that it shouldn't be done... just that I'd likely try it once and then set it on my mantle as a conversation piece, rather than for normal usage.)

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ok I added a long barral to the railrifle and just set its UV to use part of the texture already that kinda fits a barral.

Was going to add a scope cut off from the snperrifle but the actual scope has lenses as a seperate part from the model and im not sure yet how to add an extra node to a model whichout nifscope chucking the @&@*s when I try to copyover the extra trishape.





That looks great! ^.^ Any chance that the barrel could be ridiculously long, like almost touching the ground as you run and clipping into it when you sit?


Ok ok don't hit meh, just an idea. ^.^

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it already does.


You rock so hard. ^.^


Oooooh! Could you add a whistle like one of these to one of your versions? :D






http://members.tripod.com/~NASCARULZ/shay.wav (The second of the three toots, here, one of the better sounds. :D )




http://www.trainweb.org/wnyrhs/minib&o3chime.wav (Another good one, but a bit long and low. Maybe if it were sped up and cut a bit. ^.^ )


http://www.phoenixsound.com/library/am_steam/440.htm (Also a nice one :) )






http://www.phoenixsound.com/library/am_steam/acs2.htm (A shame I couldn't find this without the classic chuffing of the steam engine)




http://www.phoenixsound.com/library/am_steam/drgw.htm (Great sound. :D)


http://www.phoenixsound.com/library/am_steam/mallet.htm (Very unique sound, I've never heard this type of whistle before)


http://www.phoenixsound.com/library/am_steam/prr.htm (The archetypal whistle used quite often in WWII movies)


Quite a few more at the link below if you can't find a sound you like. ^.^ I know it's a long list above, I'm sorry. I just wanted to give you a nice variety to choose from. ^.^



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Oh man, that DOES look awesome!



Any chance that the barrel could be ridiculously long


it already does.


That was my first thought when I saw the pic - rotating it and imagining how big the original railway rifle is on my character's back.

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