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If You Had The Chance


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My, my, my... That would be something, wouldn?t it. but to answer your question, I think I would go to the future (as indefinite as it is). I would like to see how we as a society and human race in general have evolved (mentally, but perhaps physically as well). Probably go 1,000 years... That would be something.

Now don't you think that would be without risk, the earth may not be there when you arrive (=death). If those dangers were eleminated I would choose the same alternative for the same reasons.

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Oh, I'm pretty sure the Earth WOULD be there! Now, whether it would be inhabitable or not, that's a different thing... ;)


As for me... well, I think I'd go into the future as well. Risky or not, I would be

too curious to pass that opportunity.

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DAY 300, rain's hand.


No, joking :P


I would travel 150 years ago, to be sure i was the first to discover the toomb of Toetanchamon.


Or 2000 years ago. There I would grow my hair and say: 'let all the children come to me', or 'stand up and walk'. (maybe with a little help from a levitation spell)


That's it! Christ was a real-life morrowind character! finally an acceptable explanation ........................................

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Wesaynothin, you make a good point. I'd love the chance to go back to those times and finally prove beyond any doubt that christianity is a lie.


Other than that, send me to about 4000 so I can get to live in all those science fiction stories.

Interesting Peregrine... I agree with you, going back to see what actually happened during those times would be extremely interesting... I myself do not believe in all the Christanity mumbojumbo...


I am actually happy that you said that!

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Maybe i'm being boring but isn't it better to stay where we are?


Too long ago, such as several thousand years, technology would be too backward and we would have average lifespans of around 35 years.


Dark ages and medieval era we have a good chance of dying horribly and painfully either at the point of a sword or of plague or starvation. No need to explain, everyone knows how brutal it was in the middle ages.


Renaissance and industrial ages are much nicer but again, technology is nothing compared to today. Also, the industrial ages had a nasty problem with pollution caused by coal-burning.


Early twentieth century, as everyone knows, has two world wars and dozens of smaller conflicts all over the world. More people died in wars in the twentieth century than the rest of recorded history added together remember, and at the age of most people in this forum (I'm 16 -> 1 year away from military service in those days), most people would be most likely to be sent off to war and get themselves killed, wounded, severely shell-shocked or just generally damaged.


Maybe it would be cool to live through the '60s or '70s but is it really worth it when you would end up in the tense world of cold war cynicism and paranoia? Remember that the Cuban Missile Crisis almost brought the world to nuclear war (arguably. people write essays on this subject, i really can't be bothered) and quite a lot of people thought so at the time. The times would be too stressful.


As for the future, yes it would be cool to see how far people have advanced in say 500 years time but it would be like Rip Van Winkle, we would not be able to make head nor tail of what is going on. For example (borrowed from the film Demolition Man - a pretty poor '80s thing with Sylvester Stallone), toilet paper might no longer be used and we would not be able to clean ourselves afterwards, how awkward would that be!


Anyway, old saying --->

There's no time like the present
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@Peregrine: To prove that christianity is a lie I would recommend to go back to the year 30 AC, location Jerusalem or somewhere else in Judea. If your lucky you meet Jesus and his disciples and then you probably learn everything you have to know to prove or disprove your point. Perhaps you learn that Jesus never existed or that he didn't die on a cross or that he died but wasn't ressurected. And of course there is still the possibility that you are disproven and everything is right what is written about Jesus :P
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