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[LE] How to compile a script that relies on a different master esp?


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I've been trying to recompile some scripts that I just edited for a mod that I've been using, but every-time I try to, I get a bunch of errors saying things like "ulistmenu is not a known user-defined type". Upon further investigation, I found out that this was a part of the extensions mod, which was a requirement of the mod I was editing. Whenever I try to compile a script that relies upon another mod as a masterfile, the CK and notepad ++ don't seem to recognize the new functions variables ect. that the master file adds.


How would I go about compiling a script that has this requirement? I heard that i'd have to "load" the master file, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that.

Edited by KappaMeister
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For "Scripts Presay" masters have got nothing to with it, some examples is SkyUI and UIExtension, they both compile fine with having the them has Masters. Ofc, if they aren't in load order it won't work.


So the solution it to check with a script, that they in the load order and an give warning, error, or Ok, message to the user.




AddMenuItem also gives itself a "fake master" in UIExtension, so newbie can't get it wrong. If you don't believe it fake master, clean it with xEdit, xEdit can only remove Fake Masters.


btw, you add a "fake master" with XEdit too. Standard cleaning doesn't affect this ATM.


Edit 2


You may not get this but it like a Library Of Scripts, to call on, it compiles. But referencing a quest to reference it scripts in a ESP or ESM will require it has a master. This is not because of the script, but because you reference the quest in your esp. Look into how to reference the quest or Script dynamically, so their no reference to it in your esp. Another example how to do this SexLab.

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In order to compile a script from any mod that is referencing other scripts or utilizing functions / variables from other scripts, those other scripts (PSC files) need to also be present in your source folder for the compiler to be able to confirm that such functions / variables exist.


For example, I have a script only mod which modifies the wood chopping block script. The script functions entirely fine with the base game but it can only be compiled with the SKSE source files present as there is optional code that utilizes SKSE functions.


If the plugin you are working with has one or more parent masters, then these do need to be loaded when loading the mod in the Creation Kit. And if these masters are not ESM files (or false flagged ESP files, like the unofficial patches) then you will have to temporarily toggle the internal ESP / ESM status. This can be done with xEdit and / or Wrye Bash. Regardless, compiling outside of the Creation Kit with a utility such as Notepad++ simply requires that all necessary source files be present in the correct folder.

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