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How can I turn an armor mod into a replacer?


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I don't know much about modding, but I think you could just use the creation kit. Just open it up, load the Skyrim.esm and the .esm for the Warchief armor. Then on the Objects tab, click on actors and do a search called stormcloak. A bunch of items will come up. Double click each actor and go over to the inventory tab and replace the stormcloak armor with the Warchief gear.


Sorry if this isn't a great little guide. I only know the basics from fiddling around in the creation kit.


Also you might want to check out this video. It talks about npcs and such. It might help you out.

Edited by Patrick2me
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By visual replacer you mean what exactly?


Are you wanting the stormcloak armor to look like the mod armor instead of how it normally looks?

If that is what you want then you will need to:

1. Download & install the mod whose armor you want to use

2. Use a program like BSAOpt (or other) that will allow you to locate the directory structure of the NIF files for the stormcloak gear.

3. Duplicate the directory structure in your Data directory

4. Copy the mod mesh files to this duplicated location

5. Rename the mod mesh files to match those of the original stormcloak NIFs

6. Test it out in game


This will work only if you keep the downloaded mod installed so that you have the texture files. You can however deactivate the plugin unless you also want any other options that that mod provides.


If the mod files are located inside a BSA file as well then you will have to extract them using BSAOpt or similar and place them manually in your Data folder.


If this is not what you are referring to, can you please be more specific?

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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Yea that's what I want. I'm not entirely sure which files I should rename to what though.



1. Open up the Creation Kit.

2. Load up Skyrim.esm & Update.esm and no other plugins

3. Wait for everything to load up and if you get a warning pop up just say "Yes to all"

4. In the Object Window locate Items > Armor Addon and select it

5. In the Filter box at the top left of the Object Window type Stormcloak

6. You will be presented with many options on the right hand pane

7. If you look closely you'll see a plain Stormcloak version and then a version for each of the holds. The versions for the holds are actually the guard uniforms. You want the plain Stormcloak version to replace the actual Stormcloak gear.

8. That boils down to Boots, Cuirass, Gloves, Helm & Shield.

9. Double click to open the record. In that record you will see male & female biped model entries. That is the 100 weight NIF file (including directory structure) that you need to rename the corresponding 100 weight mod mesh file into. Knowing that, you then rename the 0 weight NIF into the same thing except that it has _0 instead of _1

10. After doing that for each mod mesh, test it out in game provided you have the mod textures in the correct directory structure too.


hope that helps

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