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Ammunition Casings Models


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I've noticed that a bunch of the bullets look a little bland, especially in third person mode (when the casing is ejected from the weapon). At least, to me. Anyone else feel the same?


Little touches make all the difference I kinda want to start doing some of this stuff >.>

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Spent shell casings are rather dull in the real world, too. Simple brass containers for gunpowder with a bullet pushed into the end.





I would like to see more ammo types, like .357 .45 .50 and 7.62, but each one would have a rather dull brass casing. Though I admit that things like a .50 BMG casing are impressive due to their sheer size.

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Yeah, but the only casing in the game that even begins to resemble a real one would have to be the shotgun shells--but even then, there's no small print on it or the like, or an imprint on the bottom of the shell. Handgun rounds, machine gun, rifle, minigun, they all have generic looking bullets. It'd be nice if the assault rifles would spit out ammo that looked more like its real-life counterparts :/
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I hadn't actually paid attention to spent casings other than the 5mm and 10mm coming from the Minigun and SMG. Though they look fairly reasonable. I never noticed a .44 casing coming out of my repeater and I don't really remember my character dumping the spent casings out of her revolver before quickloading another six. As I think of it, the .308 casings that eject from the sniper rifle look good, but I can only barely remember the .32 casings coming from the hunting rifle (though they seemed ok if I remember right)


As far as text on the shotgun shells, I had noticed that they are rather plain, but they disappear soon after I fire them so I had never been able to take the time to really examine them. About the only shells I did try to get a better look at were the 5mm, but they also disappear quickly so even after firing a ruddy great mess of them, I hadn't had the opportunity to get down and really look at them.

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Not at all ^^


I was just thinking most of the bullets seemed like toss-ins, and felt tacked on. Be it realistic or not, I'd like to see spent bullets have more character to them, or something like that. Maybe just more specular lighting--but I'd like a bunch of things to include more specular lighting :P

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