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Suddenly not able to upload image to a mod?


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For a bit over an hour, I've suddenly not been able to upload an image to a mod I was in the process of releasing. It was working perfectly fine about 1/2 an hour before when I uploaded an image for a different mod.


Is it just the Nexus servers throwing a wobbly for a bit?

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Oh, so I am not alone. so I also affects mod images uploading, and not only simple image uploading. That, plus the "internal server error" bug when trying to change your about me page, and it seems this whole site is starting to collapse. Hope someone is working on it.

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Also after logging in, I cannot load images by either dropdown menu from the main page to upload images either from the Images menu or from the icon upload at the far right on the top of the main page. After opening the new image upload page by a dropdown selection, dragging a jpeg file into the upload window results in the Nexus site getting stuck in redisplaying the uploaded image with either partial progress upload green partial load or no progress at all in the progress bar. No feedback image is displayed in the browser window, and tests by clicking the Publish button result in an error reporting that no image was uploaded, confirming the uploading is not finishing or being improperly initialized by Nexus.


I also verified connectivity by successfully dowloading a mod, so the problem seems localized to the image uploading.


I so not use Github and cannot report the error there. Someone else on Nexus needs to report the error there:


Edited by everywomans
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I wanted to chime in and add that I can't change the image I'm using for my avatar, either. I thought I'd add that, since this seems to be a problem with the image hosting server(s), and wanted to provide info about other areas that are being affected by it as well.


Thanks for all the hard work, patience, and for keeping this place up and running! :)


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