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Crashing, NPC frame drop, menu frame drop


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Update: So I figured out a mod is at fault.


If I die a couple of times the next time the game loads it takes forever. Also, on the apparel and weapon pipboy menu screen the game gets really slow. Which mod could be the cause? I know a mod is to fault because I deactivated all of them and the game worked correctly.


I've managed to greatly improve performance by using the stutter remover and the windowed mods. So right now the only issues left are the ones I listed. Check my list of mods down there (I updated the load order.)



Original post:

So I'm some 30 hours in the game and these issues started popping up a LOT. I used to have them a bit earlier, some 20 hours in, but now it is making it unplayable. 10 minutes of game, crash. 10 minutes of game, unexplainable slow down around NPCs, while using menus.


Right now I'm at the strip, the crashing mostly happens during screen transitions, quick loads. The menu slow down seems to get progressively worse as I play the game till the point it is unbearable. If I close the game and start again the issue goes away. Slow menus happen on the pause screen, when the shop or conversation menus pop up and while lockpicking. Sometimes it happens with the pipboy too.


Running at 1366x768, AA and Multisampling at 2, no vsync, no HDR, high texture quality, low water multisampling, medium shadow quality and low filtering, draw distance for most things set high except items.


Frame drops happen when around multiple NPCs (like 4 or 5), it goes away if I play at 1280x720 but that seems to increase crashing somehow. Also, sometimes I walk into a room, everything's fine, other times it is super slow. Then if I pause the game it goes back to normal.


Game version is the most recent, 1.4.something


My specs: GTS 250 1gb, 4gb ram, Core 2 Quad 2.66 intel.


I was previously using nevada skies and NMC's medium texture pack but quit them hoping things would improve, it improved but only marginally, it mostly fixed frame drops around multiple NPCs but it still happens. I haven't had any real problems while installing mods, just a bit with ihud, ohud, extended hud, I had to uninstall and reinstall them to get their interface on MCM working okay.

My mod list and load order:








Project Nevada - Core.esm



New Vegas Redesigned II.esm

Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

Project Nevada - Equipment.esm





HUD Extended.esp

The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

PMT - Reduced Ammo and Chems.esp

PMT - More Demanding Hardcore.esp

PMT - Nastier mines and grenades.esp

PMT - Nastier mines and grenades Longer Timer.esp

PMT - Deadlier Combat.esp

PMT - DLC Armor - Deadlier Combat.esp

PMT - Deadlier Combat Mk II.esp

PMT - LR - Better flashbangs.esp

PMT - LR - Crippling Stops Rad Healing.esp

PMT - LR - Decreased Radiation.esp

PMT - LR - Gyrojet Mk II.esp

PMT - Tougher economy.esp

PMT - Rude Awakening.esp

PMT - Honest Hearts Reduced Ammo.esp

PMT - Responsive Kill Reactions.esp

PMT - OWB - Sonic Emitter Robot Damage Fix.esp

PMT - Reduced World Items.esp


PMT - OWB - Reduced Big MT Spawns.esp

PMT - OWB - Reduced World Scrap.esp

PMT - OWB - Slave Collar Explosives.esp

PMT - OWB - Less Generous Sink Buddies.esp

PMT - OWB - Reduced Ammo and Items.esp

PMT - LR - Reduced Ammo Food Chems.esp

PMT - LR - Reduced Armor and Weapon Values.esp

PMT - LR - Tweaked Missile Base HQ.esp

PMT - LR - Unlock Both Nuked Zones.esp

Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp

Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp

Project Nevada - Old World Blues (No Cyberware).esp

Project Nevada - Lonesome Road.esp

Project Nevada - Gun Runners' Arsenal.esp

Project Nevada - Extra Options.esp

CONELRAD 640-1240.esp

Radio Free Wasteland.esp


Better Binoculars High.esp


NVR- Recommended.esp

New Vegas redesigned- Honest Hearts.esp

Voice dissonance fix.esp

Color Me Evil.esp

PMT - OWB - Hazmat Suit Tweaks.esp




Total active plugins: 64

Total plugins: 66


One last thing. A bug at the gomorrah cassino has claimed the weapons my companions were carrying. I only really care about getting Veronica's power glove back as well as an European Assault Rifle I had found raiding the Atomic Wrangler IIRC. I think I can just spawn a new power glove for Veronica (hers wasn't any special was it?) but I can't find the item code for this European rifle, anyone know what it is?

Edited by Vicaris
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Your load order is not correct. FalloutNV.esm should be at the top, followed by the DLC's. You have some .esp mixed with the .esm. If they are not flagged as .esm, they are in the wrong place. If you are not using a mod manager, why not? You also need a utility to sort your load order. Get it here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35999 Since the problem goes away when you shut down and reload, my first thought is that you have a RAM inadequacy.
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I used MCM's boss to sort the load order shortly after posting this and it seems to have worked I guess. Have to play more. Anyway, RAM inadequacy... any chance there's a way to solve this that doesn't involve messing with my hardware? Isn't 4gb enough for New Vegas?
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Anyway, RAM inadequacy... any chance there's a way to solve this that doesn't involve messing with my hardware? Isn't 4gb enough for New Vegas?


If you aren't using anything like a 4GB enabler then the game wont actually take advantage of anything more than 2GB of ram. You can use this tool to allow the game to use more ram




if you use NVSE then you will have to use their version of the tool found on there website



this tool my also help with performance




It allows you to run the game in windowed mode while still playing in full screen, this helps mainly with AMD graphics cards as they don't seem to get along with the game engine but you may benefit from it as well. It also allows you to alt-tab out of the game with out it crashing.



You can also try the New Vegas Stutter Remover. It helps reduce stutter in the frame rate commonly refered to as the 64Hz bug which plagues many Bethesda games. Just be sure to change it's frame rate management section in the ini file it generates.



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I'm not sure, some people say it causes CTD's and some people can't play without it. If it works for you then I guess it's fine but I'd be conservative with it.. only use it when you really need to. Edited by Bugsbugme
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Okay I've noticed a trend. If I die a lot the game starts to get too slow. Like, three times or so, load times get huge and the game gets laggy. Could a mod be doing this?


edit: yep, turned off all mods ran the game and died a few times, it worked perfectly. It is a mod that's screwing my game.


edit 2: oh nice, now the game is crashing as soon as I start it. Swell.

Edited by Vicaris
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