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Importing Nif


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Hello.. I'm new here.. and i would appreciate some help.


I decided to try my hand at modding me a new armor (a remeshing of 2 existing vanilla armors) and followed a tutorial I found online, after creating the armor. and carefully following all the instructions of the flag changes and what not in NifSkope, my armor in-game looks like a particle explosion.



here are the source blend and nif files.. was wondering if someone can take a look and tell me what I did wrong. (or maybe just point me in a general direction of what should i check)





also i have texture dds files but i doubt they have anything to do with the problem.. but will upload them if anyone thinks i should.

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Armor needs to be weighted/skinned to stay in the correct position when the character is moving...did that?




At the end of part1.


Hello Ghosu, thank you for answering me.


I imported all the weight from the original model i tinkered with, when i tried to export into a nif file.. blender informed me that some vertices have no weight and highlighted them for me. i painted them manually into BP_TORSO.


btw i have the part of the body that i used to model around (UNP i Think) should it have weight as well?


and the tutorial you linked was the one I followed.. but I can't find any instruction to "skinning" is that something separate from the weight issue?

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