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Tennpeny suite Without destrouing Megaton


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You can silently kill someone in their sleep without even the people sitting outside their door getting angry. Just crouch next to them until it goes from saying "Detected" to "Hidden" then use your silenced/stealth weapon to kill them. I did that and waited to see if anyone started a commotion and nothing. Their compass markers didn't even go red. (Though I can't remember; they may have possibly gone instantly red when I killed her, but when I checked afterwards, they were all green.)


You may want to leave and then come back in a few game days time to talk to Roy and see if, after allowing his ferals to break in and massacre the residents, he gives you the key and deed. I haven't done any of the variants of this quest because they all seem like a game of Tic Tac Toe, just no way for me to feel like I've won.

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It's so much easier to just nuke that worthless town! :D

That's the thing though; it's not a worthless town. In fact, sadly, it's one of the best towns in the game. :confused:


I wonder, could I mod it so that you can ask Tenpenny directly to have the Suite and it does the same as finishing the nuke quest? It might work. Might also mess with the quest, though.

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It's so much easier to just nuke that worthless town! :D

That's the thing though; it's not a worthless town. In fact, sadly, it's one of the best towns in the game. :confused:



True enough, it's as close to central to the entire map as you're going to find a house. Great base of operations. Plus Moira is so sweet. ^__^ And actually cute if you download the right face retex mod. :) It totally gets rid of that weird moustache of hers. :P


(Though as I think of it, the moustache was part of her quirky character >.<)

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You do not need to wait for some CS that will probably never arrive.


I found this information on bethesda's forums some time ago . It works, i use it on my character here.


So you want both houses, well thanks to the cheat / debug console you can.


Stated aim of this is to get both houses and by this keep megaton's nuke unexploded. This is by the way the most rewarding way to do it, it's possible to be more efficiant and cut corners but then you get (much) less.


0) Talk to the sheriff/mayor (Simms) of Megaton and offer to disarm the the nuke.

1) Talk to Burke and accept his offer to rig the nuke.

2) Disarm the nuke

4) Talk to Simms (Get House Key + discount etc)

5) Open the console (key on the left side of '1' key on the main keyboard (not numpad)) and type


player.SetStage 14E9E 200


Press enter some stuff will display on screen then enter:


player.StartQuest 7B234

and close the console by pressing the key left to '1'


Now you will have the house in megaton and it will not dissepear AND a suit / apartment in Tenpenny Tower




Important note: any upgrade / theme you buy for one house is automatically applied to both houses, so you can't have one whit a "Raider" theme and an other whit a "Vault" theme Both will always use the same theme.

Also please note this only works for PC games and unless Bethesda patches the game will never work for XBox 360 or Playstation 3 so don't ask.

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