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Atomic Beauty personal project


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I've been practicing with outfit conversions for awhile now, and have been getting pretty good at making outfits look nice and proper with atomic beauty. With that being said there's still one thing I can't figure out -- the feet with atomic beauty body. When it comes to outfits that have high heels, I can't get the feet to disappear. There aren't any video tutorials on this issue either (atleast none that I've come across, and please do not link videos as response 9/10 it is going to be 15-20 minutes waste of my time with no answer to this in the video.).


If anyone knows how to do this, please give a quick instruction guide. My next project will be TheKite's combat zone stripper outfit by thekite, as I have made red rocket a true wasteland trading center in my play through and this will be one of the final touches to it.


thank you

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Select the reference body in Meshes tab and press Q. Use Mask on the feet(press 1 and start masking). Then go to menu Tool->Invert Mask. Now the rest of the body won't be affected. You can either delete the feet(Shape->Delete Vertices) or use Zap slider to hide them in BodySlide.

Second option is from menu Slider->New Zap Slider. Give it a name. Go to De-/Select Sliders tab. You will find the Zap slider at end of the list. Press the pencil icon in front of the slider and after that the Tab button from the keyboard. Put a tick in the box of Default Values->Zapped so in BodySlide you won't need to select it every time. Press OK and then save your project.

With zapping, you can always delete the slider and start over. If you delete the feet, maybe save as different project. That way you will have backup in case you don't like the result ingame.

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