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New Vegas Faction and Politics Debate


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Yet again, I have no idea how many threads like this there are around but I'm too lazy to dig up the dead threads.


Anyway, which faction did you side with in New Vegas? NCR, Legion, House or Yes Man?

I went with NCR, mainly because the Legion seems like a tribe of dumbasses who crucify people for kicking a rock. Also, no women's rights. House seemed like a selfish and impatient brat, and the Yes Man path didn't interest me.


NCR obviously has it flaws, such as corruption and dumbass leaders like General Oliver. It also lacks direction, like Cass says when you ask her opinion about NCR.

Actually, wait, there should be an option to throw Oliver off the Hoover Dam and become the new, better general in the NCR ending. Probably every single trooper and ranger in NCR dislikes Oliver to some degree anyway.


What faction did you choose, and why?

Edited by asdfpepper
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I don't see the Yes Man and an ultimate NCR victory as incompatible, especially if you refurbish the dam. The NCR will get Nevada, but only on Nevada's terms.


and I side with NCR. It's impossible for me to work with the Legion, and frankly although House does mean well, he is indicative of everything wrong with World War III era America. The flaws are too great, the payoff too little. Ultimately NCR is the only way to go. They are America reborn, and I haven't yet been able to make a character that will accept mere substitutes.

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Yet again, I have no idea how many threads like this there are around but I'm too lazy to dig up the dead threads.


Anyway, which faction did you side with in New Vegas? NCR, Legion, House or Yes Man?

I went with NCR, mainly because the Legion seems like a tribe of dumbasses who crucify people for kicking a rock. Also, no women's rights. House seemed like a selfish and impatient brat, and the Yes Man path didn't interest me.


NCR obviously has it flaws, such as corruption and dumbass leaders like General Oliver. It also lacks direction, like Cass says when you ask her opinion about NCR.

Actually, wait, there should be an option to throw Oliver off the Hoover Dam and become the new, better general in the NCR ending. Probably every single trooper and ranger in NCR dislikes Oliver to some degree anyway.


What faction did you choose, and why?


I tend to side with Mr. House. He's a narcissistic *censored*, but he is a genius, and of the options, probably does represent humanity's best shot at achieving a level of technological advancement similar to pre-war conditions in the shortest timeframe. Also, you're basically going to be the right-hand man to the leader of an authoritarian government, which means it's gonna be easy street for your character for the rest of their life.


NCR victory made me feel a little bit hollow - yay, I just gave the rich and powerful more stuff to oppress the poor with!


Yes Man seemed kind of pointless, though I loved the character and especially his voice acting - you aren't really accomplishing anything. Mr. House is gone, and it's not like the Legion, NCR, and various raider groups aren't going to come back at some point (maybe different raider groups, but raiders just the same.)


Haven't done Legion ending, I can't tolerate Caesar's megalomaniacal bulls*** for more than about five seconds. I always end up stabbing him just to shut him up.

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The problem with house is he wants to rebuild the old world with all its tech. Humantity needs to work out its problems before blazing full steam ahead with new tech otherwise they'll just repeat the same mistakes that caused ww3. As far as an NCR victory who says the goverment couldn't be reformed. Perhaps the courier with all of his or her influence goes to ncr and helps fix up the goverment.
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Given the choices we have to advance the story-line, I usually don't. If there were an option to "not give a frak" and go about business as usual, I would take that one. The Courier is not so very interested in politics or changing the destinies of a few prominent actors, nor is he attached to the city of New Vegas necessarily.


We shouldn't assume that a 'reborn America' through NCR expansion is a good thing. The NCR has no culture, and in a world of significantly fewer resources, the old 'big state' model, or nationstate model is even *more* unsustainable than it was. Centralization is not feasible. Post-war communities function best with self-governance and self-sustaining, local means of supporting themselves. So if I had to choose, it would be to side with House and keep Vegas independent.

Edited by TrickyVein
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I'd side with NCR. Sure, taxes suck, but NCR protection is mostly better than just some crude militia.

Unless you live in a place that sees no traders, or can't produce anything that NCR could see as useful.

Edited by asdfpepper
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Yet again, I have no idea how many threads like this there are around but I'm too lazy to dig up the dead threads.


Anyway, which faction did you side with in New Vegas? NCR, Legion, House or Yes Man?

I went with NCR, mainly because the Legion seems like a tribe of dumbasses who crucify people for kicking a rock. Also, no women's rights. House seemed like a selfish and impatient brat, and the Yes Man path didn't interest me.


NCR obviously has it flaws, such as corruption and dumbass leaders like General Oliver. It also lacks direction, like Cass says when you ask her opinion about NCR.

Actually, wait, there should be an option to throw Oliver off the Hoover Dam and become the new, better general in the NCR ending. Probably every single trooper and ranger in NCR dislikes Oliver to some degree anyway.


What faction did you choose, and why?


I tend to side with Mr. House. He's a narcissistic *censored*, but he is a genius, and of the options, probably does represent humanity's best shot at achieving a level of technological advancement similar to pre-war conditions in the shortest timeframe. Also, you're basically going to be the right-hand man to the leader of an authoritarian government, which means it's gonna be easy street for your character for the rest of their life.


NCR victory made me feel a little bit hollow - yay, I just gave the rich and powerful more stuff to oppress the poor with!


Yes Man seemed kind of pointless, though I loved the character and especially his voice acting - you aren't really accomplishing anything. Mr. House is gone, and it's not like the Legion, NCR, and various raider groups aren't going to come back at some point (maybe different raider groups, but raiders just the same.)


Haven't done Legion ending, I can't tolerate Caesar's megalomaniacal bulls*** for more than about five seconds. I always end up stabbing him just to shut him up.


I know the feeling, even on my Legion playthrough I couldn't help but start shooting everyone in Fortification Hill when I first arrived. Never did finish with that playthrough with siding with Caesar.

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I'd side with NCR. Sure, taxes suck, but NCR protection is mostly better than just some crude militia.

Unless you live in a place that sees no traders, or can't produce anything that NCR could see as useful.


Seems to me, having walked across the Mojave over the course of many, many hours, so called NCR 'protection' is pitiful, at best. They can't spare enough men or resources to defend Primm. They are outgunned and outmaneuvered by a bunch of prisoners, who then terrorize nearby towns. Their own officers are working against them, sending false intel in the hopes of weakening their position in the Mojave. They can't protect their own president when he speaks at the Dam. Meanwhile, their scientists predict food shortages and famine within a decade. When the NCR implodes, independent communities will go on as they were. It's a sinking ship, and you'd be a fool if you think the NCR can offer you anything.


I'd much rather have a Boone defending my town, who has some stake in living there in the community, than a grunt from California who just wants to see the end of his tour.

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FOr my current play-through, I'm leaning towards Yes-man... My courier sees Mr.House as the same sort of elitist d-bag as the sort of corrupt 'higher ups' in the NCP (Kimbal and Oliver in particular)...


So while she is nominally pro-NCR at an organizational level, she feels like it has 'lost its way' and needs a 'wake-up call' in the form of a strong, independent New-Vegas...


The thing is, its early days in the play-through, and I'm not totally 'sold' on the Yes-man route... Maybe she should go full pro-NCR and then use the post-game influence gain to change the NCR from the inside...


What do other people think?



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Yeah, admittedly NCR protection isn't the best. They spread too thin, like several NPCs say in New Vegas.

They also need some really better leaders, instead of some dipshit General Wait-and-See.


Of course, I would stay independent if I had decent army who would protect my town, and food and water is abundant enough.

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